You fight/Anger

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It was your Birthday. You sat on the counter on your own waiting for your parents to come home from there business trip. You were already pissed off that the went on this business trip. Seeing that it clashed with your birthday. But they promised that they would be back in time for it.

You didn't want to throw a massive birthday party. You wanted it to be a small family filled one. Hence none of the avengers were around. You wanted it to be just you, your mum and your dad.

So that's why you were sitting on the counter at 9:00pm telling yourself that they would be home at any minute. You had resisted asking FRIDAY to track them because you wanted it to be a surprise when they got home. But it didn't seem worth it when you were on your own

"FRIDAY, What is taking my parents so long ?" You asked swinging your legs

"I urge Miss Stark to cast your gaze over to the television" You raised your brow and walked over to the tv. Your drink in hand. FRIDAY switched the channel over to the news.

You dropped your drink

There on the news were your parents

Absolutely plastered

Your Dad was swinging on a strippers pole on top of a table to Brittany spears and your mum was was making out with a lamp. The video footage was captioned " Power couple Tony Stark and Pepper Potts drunk on daughter 's birthday"

Tears started to appear rolling down your cheek. You grabbed your phone and called your dad. You watched on the live footage your dad fumbling with his phone

~Meanwhile somewhere in Vegas~

Tony was swinging round and round on the strippers pole. Laughing his head off as girls attempted to put dollar bills in his pants. He was swinging when he heard a ringing noise. In his drunken stupor he silenced the party

"SSHSHSHS EVERYBODY SOMEONES PHONE IS RINGING !!!! PEPPER STOP MAKING OUT WITH THE LAMP YOU-" Tony couldn't finish his sentence as he fell off the pole and face planted. He got up and raised his hands to show that he was okay. He fumbled a bit with the phone before looking at it

"Ah crap PEPPER ITS OUR DAUGHTER !!!" Tony shouted across to his wife. Pepper stopped making out with the lamp and stumbled towards Tony.

"OH NOOOOOOOO ITS HER BIRTHDAY TONY , WHAT ARE WE GONNA DOOO ??" Pepper wailed. Tony shrugged his shoulders and answered it

"Sup minini me ?'

"Dad what are you doing in Vegas,?!? You and mum were suppose to be home, with me your daughter"

"Ye but Daniel was throwing this epic party and I had to go-"

"So a party is more important then your daughter ?"



"See this is why parties are more fun, no rules and no limits amd lots of alcohol so ye parties are more better"


"I'm so sorry mini me I didn't mean that you know I love you, you know I care , just shout whenever and I'll be there like baby baby baby ohhhh"

Little did Tony Stark know that his daughter had dropped her phone and stormed out,  a pre prepared back pack and a fist full of money in her hands


Captain America. Mr righteous himself. Respect this respect that. Respect yourself and others. Respect, Respect, Respect

Avengers ~ Mummy/Daddy/Daughter One shots HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now