Bucky + A/N

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Hello my fellow readers,
First of all, I know there isn't many of you, but please feel free to request. Anyway next on the agenda, I am sorry for the SUPER slow updates. Ill family members. Now I am most excited because I am going to be adding

Drum roll please.......

....BUCKY !!!!!!!!

I don't know if I'm going to be editing him in or I'm going to do a catchup chapter on him, I am not completely sure yet, but he will be added in to further chapters !!!!

But could we just appreciate him *Fangirls over picture above*

Bu-bye now !!!!!

~ Marzipan xox

P.S I'm also adding Scott Lang :P

P.P.S Probably....

P.P.P.S Maybe.....

Avengers ~ Mummy/Daddy/Daughter One shots HIATUS Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora