When you get a nightmare

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You woke up hot and sweaty you were around 6 years old. It was the middle of the night.

"J.A.R.V.I.S ?" You asked shakily

"Yes Miss Stark ?" The computer replied

"Is Dada back from that business trip ?" You asked wiping the sweat from your forehead

"Yes Miss Stark but your mother is not back yet. Would you like me to alert him ?"

"No thank you J.A.R.V.I.S" You shakily got out of bed. You padded across the hallway. Into your Dada's room. You opened the door and tip toed in. You heard him softly snore. You then curled up next to him. Crying silently.

"Dada ??" You whispered

"Mmm....Yea..??" He mumbled

"Dada ?!" You cried. Tony shot up in alarm. He saw you and lay back down facing you. He wrapped an arm around you.

"Hey it's okay..... It was just a nightmare....Its not real it's all make believe" You giggled at your dads attempt to make you feel better "Hey this is usually your mums job"

Your dad always knew how to cheer you up


You tossed and turned in your bed. You were awoken by a shaking feeling

"Hey soldier... wake up its only a dream soldier...." Steve cooed. Your eyes snapped open. Your father pulled you into a hug and gently rocked you.

"D-D-Daddy....Its was h-h-horrible.." You sobbed in to his chest

"I know I know but its all just a big nasty nightmare...."

He then held you till you fell asleep


You woke up screaming and in floods of tears. Clint heard this immediately suited up. He kicked the door open with his bow in hand. An arrow loaded and headed straight for the danger.

"Dad.." You wailed softly. It broke Clint's heart.

"Hey sweetheart what's wrong ??" Clint asked already sussed out the situation

"There was a big bwad man and he tried to kill you and a-and..." You sobbed Clint put an arm round his daughter.

" Shush.. shush.. It's alright Daddy's here .." Clint cooed

"Thank you Daddy.."

"Do you want me to stay with you ?"

"Yes pwease.." 


After wiping all the sweat from your forehead you climbed back in bed.  Yet you felt unsafe and scared. You didn't want to go to your mother. You were her little secret agent and secret agents don't do that. You clung on to your teddy bear in hope that he was going to fight away the demons. Yet it only made you feel worse.

"Mama..." You cried softly to yourself

The door swung open. Natasha had this mother instinct. She walked over to her daughter.

"Что не так ? Мой сладкий" Natasha cooed at her daughter

(What is wrong ? My sweet)

"я был кошмар, но теперь это нормально" The girl softly said trying to cover up the cracks in her voice

(I had a nightmare but it is okay now)

Avengers ~ Mummy/Daddy/Daughter One shots HIATUS Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora