When they meet your boyfriend

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Not gonna lie but this was probably the most nervous you have ever been in your entire life. Jackson was going to meet your dad. Well hopefully not but he probably will seeing that Jackson shared the same cocky traits as his father and ego. But your dad had an even bigger one then his so you couldn't blame yourself for being nervous. All Jackson was going to do was pick you up fro your date

You hadn't told your dad that you were going on a date. You hadn't even told your mum. So you tried to sneak out and wait outside for Jackson to pick you up. But sneaking around in high heels and an A.I watching your every move is harder then it sounds. You didn't even manage into step the lift when FRIDAY told on you.

"I am very sorry Miss Stark but your father told me to inform him if you were going out" You cursed to yourself.

"Well maybe if you don't tell him I will try and make you a boyfriend ?" you tried to negotiate with the A.I but she was not having it. You went on your phone and tried to hack into FRIDAY. Unfortunately before you even started your dad was already standing in your way.

"And just where do you think you are going ?" Your dad asked raising one of his brows

"To a friends house " You lied. Your dad was not buying it

"Dressed up like that, I don't think so." You bit the inside of your lip and averted your eyes waiting for a diversion

"Your going to see Jackson aren't you ?" You said nothing

"No your not he's coming here, isn't he ? Pepper !!!!!!! Come and sort out your daughter !!" your dad called. You opened your mouth in shock. You quickly looked at your phone and tapped into the security cameras. You eventually found the right one that showed the street. There standing at Stark Industries doorstep was Jackson with a bouquet of flowers.

Your mum walked down the steps and turned to you

"Sweetheart why is Jackson coming over here ??" She asked you were about to reply when your dad did it for you.

"Because they are dating !! Did you know that Pepper !?! Out of all the people (Y/N) could be dating she chose him ?!"

"Mr Stark I would like to inform you that Mister Hammer is waiting in the lobby for Miss Stark" FRIDAY said. You looked at your dad who looked at Pepper who looked at you. You legged it for the lift. You ran in and shut the doors behind you. You could here your parents shouting at you.

"I am very sorry Miss Stark, is there anything I can do ?" FRIDAY apologised

"That okay you were only doing your job, but could you lockdown the lift after I get out and make sure they don't get down here before I go"

"I will try my best Miss Stark" The A.I informed

Finally the lift opened and Jackson was stood there waiting. FRIDAY then locked down the lift. You grabbed Jacksons arm and practically dragged him out.

"Whoa slow down, what's wrong ??" Jackson tried to calm you down ]

"Parents......found out.....angry.....we need to go right now" You said as quick as you could whilst hailing for a cab. Realisation crossed over Jacksons face and tried to hail one as well. A cab finally pulled up. You then heard an mpf from behind you

"Step away from the cab" You turned around your dad was in the iron man suit with a repulsor ray aiming at Jackson.

"Dad..." You whined

"Ah Mr Stark, pleasure to meet you finally, I do wish the circumstances were more pleasant shall we say." Wow Jackson had a lot of guts to do that

Avengers ~ Mummy/Daddy/Daughter One shots HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now