Your first word

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"Come on you can do it say Mama....Ma....Ma...Mama" Pepper urged. I rolled my eyes. I walked over to Pepper and (Y/N).

"Let the professionals do it" I commented. Pepper rolled her eyes at me. She passed (Y/N) over to me. I bounced her on my hip.

"Come on say Dada... Come on mini me...... say Dada..." She was silent. Not a word.

"Come on don't make me look like a fool" I whispered

"She doesn't need to do anything for that Tony" Pepper added. I stuck my tongue out at her

"Come on say Dada.........Da....Da...Dada" I urged

After an hour or so of urging her to say Dada. I finally gave up. I put her down on the floor in front of her cuddly toys

"Pepper pass me the Whiskey will you ??" I asked her

"Tony you really should lay off-"

"Whiskey !!" I heard a little voice cry. I whipped my head round. (Y/N) was sat cuddling her toy "Whiskey !!!" She cried again. I ran over to her and scooped her up in my arms. Pepper stood horrified.

"Yes Whiskey now say dada !!"

"No !!" she pouted "Mama !!!"

It was now my turn to be horrified. Pepper simply smirked and took her off me. Congratulating (Y/N).

"She still said Whiskey first !!!" I called out


"Come on soldier say Daddy, for me ?" I pleaded. She was now a year old and I thought it was time that she started talking.

"Please.....Pretty please....For Me?.......For America ?" I asked raising a brow. She opened up her arms. I picked her up. Her big blues eyes locking on to mine. She put a hand on his chest.

"America" She squeaked. My face lit up in joy. My little soldier.

"Well done soldier !!! Now say Daddy !!" I asked

"DADDY !!" She squeaked again "AMERICA DADDY !!"

I threw her up in the air and caught her. I kissed her forehead

"Well done soldier"


"Please sweetheart say Dad or Daddy" I begged. I put her on the table and found a chocolate bar. "Now if you say something I will give you this chocolate bar. Deal ?"

She looked up at me and then looked at the chocolate. She reached out to get it. I quickly pulled it away. She then stated crying

"Oh shit I'm sorry" I picked her up

"Shit" She repeated. I looked at her in shock

"You don't say that !! that is a naughty word. " I scolded. She then started crying again "Ah crap here you go" I gave her the chocolate bar. She then made a miraculous recovery and started nibbling at the chocolate bar.

After she finished and had managed to get chocolate all over her. She stood up on the table and gave me a kiss on the cheek. The chocolate then transferred over to my cheek

"Thanks sweetheart"


My little secret agent was playing with her ninja Barbie doll. Courtesy of Tony. Barbie's hair was already coloured in red and cut short. I was searching through files on the computer. (Y/N) was playing quietly on the floor next to me.

Avengers ~ Mummy/Daddy/Daughter One shots HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now