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"What you working on Dada?" you asked sitting on his work bench.

"Nothing just fixing my iron suit" He replied his eyes concentrated on the task.

"Why can't you just get J.A.R.V.I.S to do it like you always do ??" You asked curiously. Why was this suit so special ?

"Because I felt like it and-" Tony was cut off my one of the wires blowing up. You giggled at your Dads mistake

"Do you want to try fixing it ?" Your Dad asked sarcastically. You raised a brow at him and took the screwdriver he was offering. You worked away at the suit for about half a minute.

"Done" You quipped and put the screwdriver back in place. Your dad looked at you dumbfounded.

"How-what-but ??" Your Dad stuttered confused. You smirked at his confusion

"What can I say I'm a genius ??" You shrugged

"Fine then would the "Genius" like to help me with a new design ??" He asked Your face lit up and the smirk turned in to a smile

"The genius would love to !!!!!"

For the rest of the day. The two of you worked on the new design together. Pepper had to physically take you upstairs for dinner.


You two liked long walks in the park. You had just set off for one when you noticed a cat stuck in the tree. A little girl in a fit of tears

"Daddy look !!" You exclaimed pointing up to the cat in the tree. "You have to get it down for that poor girl !!!!" Your father looked at  you unsure of what to do

"Please Daddy...." You whined tugging at his arm.

"Fine....." Steve gave up. He couldn't ignore his daughter so he set off up the tree. He was at the root of the branch calling for the cat

"Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty !!!" He called unaware that there was a pond just to the right of the tree. He scooted closer to the cat.

"Here Kitty" The cat started to roll on the branch. It looked as if it was about to fall off. "NO BAD KITTY !!"

The cat looked at your father curiously. Steve then started scooting closer and closer. Till he was right next to the cat. The cat then jumped at the sudden of appearance away from him and leapt to another tree branch casually. Steve being Steve thought it was jumping off the tree and dived for it. Causing him to lose his balance and fall into said pond.

You bursted into a fit of giggles as your soaking wet father approached you.

"Ahh come here soldier come give me a hug  !!!" Your dad walked over to you. Opening his arms

"NO DADDY !!" You shrieked as he scooped you up in his soaking wet arms. You pounded your tiny fists on to his chest. He eventually put you down. You were now to soaking wet.


"That's it now......Release"

You let go of the bow string and the arrow flew through the air. It hits it target perfectly. I grinned and looked up at my father who was also grinning..

"Well done sweetheart.... One day you might even come close to being better then me..." He smirked.

"Who says I won't become better ?"  You challenged. Clint stopped and studied you . After a good minute he burst out laughing

"Y-You......Better........Then me ?!??" He shakily said between breaths. You frowned at your father amusement "Oh...I'm sorry..." Clint apologised to his sulking daughter

Avengers ~ Mummy/Daddy/Daughter One shots HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now