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You sat in the Principals office. Your science teacher sitting in the other chair. Her hair burnt and singed. Your principal looked at you shaking his head.

"Miss Stark I hate to inform you that due to your actions . You will be henceforth suspended." Your science teacher leapt up in joy. Whilst you grimaced at the word suspended

"Your father will be here any minute to pick you up" Your eyes widened . No no no no noooo. He cannot pick me up. I know what I did was wrong but if my father found out then......Oh no....

As if on cue Tony Stark stormed into the Principals office. His face set in a permanent scowl. You looked up hesitantly at him. He glared at the science teacher.

"Mr Stark I am principal Dorkworth. This is my colleague Professor Mildrew. We spoke on the phone" principal Dorkworth greeted shaking my fathers hand

"So for my sake, could you repeat why my daughter is getting suspended ?" Tony asked pacing around the room. His voice laced with anger

"Well she continued to interrupt and disturb my classroom-" I interrupted my science teacher

"-Yes but you were teaching us the wrong things, the gravitational field strength would not equal -"

"Yes it will !!!! Anyway she continued to interrupt me even after I awarded her several detentions and then. She proceeded to leap up on to the desk kicked over my pen pot. Snatched my pen off of me and rubbed out all of the class's workings on the board-"

"- Because they were all wrong !!!"

"Shush!!! They were not !!! She then attacked me with a Bunsen Burner !!!!" My science teacher exclaimed pointing at her singed hair

"NO I NEVER !!! I was simply showing how you could use the Bunsen a different way. I didn't realise the gas was on !!" You shouted standing up from your seat. Tony pushed you down again. Principal Dorkworth rolled his eyes and sighed at them

"After a quick investigation arranged by Mr stark..." The Principal motioned to Tony. Who's now angry scowl turned in to a smug smirk "It shows that in fact, you were teaching the kids an incorrect method. From this new found information. It is safe to say that you are fired Professor Mildrew" I grinned whilst the professors eyes widened. "However miss stark you are still suspended from Manhattan High for attacking a teacher. Now good day to both of you"

I followed Dada out to the car. He showed a face of no emotion. Happy greeted us and we got in to the car

"I'm sorry Dada...." I apologised.

"I won't tell your mother if you don't"


"HOW COULD YOU BE SO IDIOTIC ?!?!?" Steve shouted. You bowed your head in shame. You were home after getting suspended from school.

"Its not my fault !! Prissy said my hair was greasy and when I told her it wasn't she dumped her lunch on my head. She then started boasting about her "Long luscious hair" and how it took her "Ages" to brush !!! So I did her a favour and cut it off !!!" I stood up. Dad just glared at me so I sat back down.

"You shouldn't of done it in the first place, look at you know !! Your suspended form school. If you had just told a teacher. Prissy would be in this situation and not you !!" Steve scolded his daughter.

You looked up fists balled and tears brimming on the edge of your eyes 

"YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND !!!" You stormed out of the room. Ran upstairs. Slammed the door and collapsed on to the bed. You curled up and let all the tears out. Nothing was holding you back.

Avengers ~ Mummy/Daddy/Daughter One shots HIATUS Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя