Bucky Catch up

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When he first met you
(Bucky P.O.V)

I was suited up and ready. According to Steve there was an old Hydra base that need scoping out then bombed. I was on the Quinjet preparing to jump. The snowy Russian land looking not so welcoming

Steve signalled to jump 

"Wait don't you need a-" Too late he already jumped off

"Punk" I muttered under my breath and jumped off of the jet. I was falling down on my parachute. Steve was waiting for me at the bottom. I cut the rope and freefall the last few metres.

"What took you so long ?" Steve asked cockily. I rolled my eyes and ran ahead. We came across the cliff face where the hydra base was. Steve motioned the hackers in the jet to hack through and sure enough we were walking round the abandoned base. We went to the old control room. I stopped as a memory flashed back

"I've been here before" I said quietly. Steve's head snapped my way.

"Anything you know about this place, buck ? We've got no info on this place?" I thought for a moment then it hit me

This was the recreation base

"Recreation base Area 8712" I informed as walked down the hallway

"Wait, buck-"

"Every species they created, Ever superhuman they ever made. Got recreated with differences to live and serve Hydra" I continued ignoring Steve's interruptions. I found the door I was looking for.

"They stopped recreating about 20 years ago when Red Skulls recreation freaked out and killed over 20 Hydra agents"

"How did you remember that and nothing else ?!" Steve asked.

"I didn't I just read it off of there" I pointed to the sign that was to the right of the wall "But I do remember some of it." Steve opened his mouth but I cut him off "You don't want to know"

I kicked open the door and walked in. Steve went in the joining room. There was rows and rows of draws. Like a morgue each one was labelled. I knew that inside it was a cryopreserved baby. Genetically copied by whoever. However the baby was dead due to the lack of power. It disgusted me that each of theses children would have no chance in survival.

"Hey Buck, you might want to come and see this" Steve called. I walked into the other room. There was a Cryopreserved baby, looking only to be a few weeks old. A generator attached to its pod pumping electricity through the pod. Keeping the baby preserved. The window into the pod was iced over. Steve passed me the chart. I scanned through it  

Code: 937G9P3A

Genetic copy of: Winter Soldier (James Buchanan Barnes) 

Age: 2 weeks

Survival rate: Normal same life span as Winter Soldier

Gender: Female - due to mishap in lab. Still contains full DNA and Genetic strands from the winter soldier. Proves to be more successful though in survival rate.

Notes: Arm has been cut off to provide better genetics for cloning No cloning has been done yet. Minimal programming. Fight skills at maximum. Intelligence good. Winter Soldier program not yet implied. IMPORTANT MUST BE KEPT PRESERVED ON BACK UP EMERGENCY GENERATOR !! PROVES TO BE BEST COPY YET. CODE N22.

The rest was torn off. I dropped the chart and ran over to the pod.

"Bucky......What are you doing ?!" Steve asked cautiously. I put a few codes into the pod. It pushed itself forward. I lifted the pod onto a nearby trolley then I set the bomb. It gave us half an hour to get out

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