Proven Word Part 2 (not copy edited yet)

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Nannanjess, William and Valessa rode hard. William and Valessa were doing all they could to stop their fears and guilt about leaving Balor. More than once they looked back. Their pursuers came closer, as they raced for Rivers Beginning, a small port on the banks of the River Farn. Nannanjess was the first to see that the riders were now not only behind them but also at their flanks, eight were counted. The riders did not close on them and Nannajess knew why. As they caught their first glimpse of the port so too did they see the full strength of their pursuers. Firminor was on them.

Valessa shouted, her voice showing the fear " what do we do?"

Nannanjess replied " the only thing we can do, head for the river and hope for a boat".

Their mounts had given their all as they entered the main street of Rivers Beginning. The small port was busy; they dived in to a side street, disappearing from their pursuers view. Firmanors main force was not more than a quarter of a mile from the port, the scouts now began to close in.

Nannajess, Valessa and William all dismounted took what they could, left the horses and headed for the wharf. The horses had managed to get them to the town but they were tired out, it would be harder to gain passage with them and would have taken time to get them aboard, time they did not have. It was Valessa who first took up the shout and the others did the same.

"The southmen are here" they all shouted the warning.

In their hearts they expected no reaction. A town so far from Farnbreth governed itself. But as they stepped on to the wharf, they could see plenty of activity and the reason why was soon apparent. Their shout had been taken up and they were all surprised to see fighting men gathering at what seemed to be the town hall. Warriors of Farnbreth, they were not. The standard flying told Nannajess all she needed.

Nannanjess grabbed a man as he was hurrying to get away "when did they come?" she questioned. The man ignored her and shook himself loose. Nannajess quickly stepped over to a man who was lowering himself in to a boat.

"Friend" she greeted him "when did they come?"

The man replied as he pushed off "just as soon as the southerners came north and Farnbreth sent no men to stop them from staying". As he placed his oars he added " best get off the street, the southerners have come. And the new Lord is ready to fight."

Nannajess turned back to the others cursing.

 " Follow me if you see a boat leaving, get the money out, and get on it"

They hurried along the wharf, their time running out. More people were pushing off their boats and traders were ready to leave. They headed for the bigger boats. William had no time to question Nannajess as to who these wild men were. William looked towards the town hall. The men were ready to fight. They had formed up around the door of the hall and at their head was a man with a great cloak over his shoulders and a axe in hand, but they numbered no more than twenty.

As quickly as the streets had filled with people trying to get out of the way of the trouble, so they now began to empty. Those who had decided to run were leaving fast; those who had decided to hide had hidden. Activity only remained on the wharf and the last boats were almost ready to leave. Vallessa spotted a man, whose clothes made him out as a stranger to the land, bartering with a captain. As vallessa and the others approached the captain looked nervously over the strangers shoulder, agreed a price and turned to go. William quickened his pace to catch him, and at the same time as thanking the captain forced an ample sum in to his hand. The Captain hesitated, he would have thrown the money back at William but a quick glance at the sum in his hand changed his mind, and the arrival of Firminors cavalry sealed it, he had no time to argue.

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