6. "Re-nun"

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May 21. 2015

A little over 24 hours later, I was finally home in my own apartment with Grace, and my overly-stressed emotional state was suppressed for the time being. I threw my bags on my bed, taking out my camera and placing the memory card into my desktop to upload while I take the film out of my personal camera.

"Going in the dark room, don't blind me." I shout out to Grace, who's in the kitchen making something with more than likely way too many carbs.

"Kay." She shouts back, just as I close the door.

I take the film canister out and get my developer ready, along with my stopper and wash liquid. I develop all the photos and hang them up to dry before quickly exiting the room.

"I made Alfredo. It's in the kitchen if you want any." Grace calls out to me from the living room. I silently praise her.

"Thanks," I tell her as I head back in my room. "I'm going to look over these pictures from the concert and do some editing. I think Cal told me to try and send him a few pictures they could use media-wise." I tell her.

She walks into my room with a bowl of alfredo.

"Here," She says, handing it to me. "You work too much."

"Thanks," I smile. "Do you want to see some of the photos?"

She rolls her eyes. It was a rhetorical question.

I opened my photo editing software and loaded all the files from the concert, opening them in a separate viewing window. I let her go through all the pictures I took, listening to her squealing the whole time.

"These are amazing, Liz," She praises me. "They're just all so damned attractive I can't help but stare at them."

I laugh. You have no idea.

"Looks like Harry was looking your way quite a bit," She suggests. "Making faces at you, was he?"

She smiles devilishly and I just roll my eyes.

"Woah," She says when she finally gets to 'the' pictures. The familiar feeling of cardiac arrest that I had when I took them creeps back up. "Ok, I know I've said it a million times or so, but he is ridiculously hot."

"I guess." I mumble.

She gives me a 'what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about' look.

"Ok, he's hot." I admit, stuffing my face with alfredo.

"Are you going to keep working with them? They gave you that option, didn't they?" She asks, going through more photos.

They did. They'd called me the next morning with high praises for my work. I didn't think the photos were bad or anything, but they weren't necessarily anything to get excited over. They begged to have me back, but I told them I needed a couple of days to decide. Today was the day I was expected to call them back with a decision.

"I don't know, Grace. I have to call them by the end of the day and give them a decision, which I still haven't made." I sigh.

"What's there to decide on? It's an amazing opportunity." She says, walking over to my bed and sitting beside me.

I sit my half-empty bowl on my nightstand and flop backwards onto the bed, huffing.

"What's the issue? Was someone rude? Did you not like it?" She asks.

"I loved it, Grace. There was so much energy from the crowd and I liked everyone I met." I explain.

She didn't say anything.

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