9. It's a Damn String

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I had a distraction for this show in the form of Grace. She'd keep me entertained so that I wouldn't get sucked into the Harry Styles seduction spell. I'd still find myself distracted every once in a while when he'd walk over to us and wave or wink, or throw water on us. He talked to a small girl behind us, and she said she had a joke. Harry entertained the idea, having the girl be passed up to the stage where he held the mic out to her.

"Knock knock," She said, the crowd erupting in a chorus of 'aw' and 'who's there'.

Harry went along with her, shrugging his shoulders when he said 'who's there'.

"A broken pencil." She giggles.

"A broken pencil, who?" Harry asks, placing a hand on his hip, the other holding the mic out to her.

"Never mind," she says. "It's pointless."

Harry dons a smug grin, shaking his head slowly while the crowd and the little girl erupt in laughter.

"You're worse than I am." He says, giving the girl a quick hug before she's escorted back off the stage.

"Now, I have a joke," He says, the crowd erupting in screams, Niall groaning. "Knock knock!"

The crowd erupts sounds off: "Who's there?"

He grins slyly.

"Hula." He says, and I can already see where it's going and I roll my eyes.

"Hula who?" Grace calls out, with the crowd.

He makes the sound of the letter 'p', and the crowd dies with laugher.

I roll my eyes again.

"The crew- They're rolling their eyes!" He shouts pointing over to me, Grace and Lou five or six feet behind me, laughing.

I hide behind my camera, snapping pictures.

Suddenly, my camera is gone, being pulled from my hands, the strap lifting from my neck.

"Hey!" I shout, crossing my arms in front of me.

"Joe, bring your camera over here," He says to a guy with a video camera on his shoulder. "Everyone say hi to one of our photographers, Rhiannon."

The camera points at my face and I see myself on the two huge screens in the front of the stadium. I cringe as the crowd recites a monotone 'hi Rhiannon'. What the hell is he doing?

"Rhiannon isn't allowed to have her camera back until she laughs. So, I'm going to tell one more joke..." He says, and I fight the urge to roll my eyes again.

"What do you call bees that produce milk?" He asks, and I crinkle my eyebrows. After a moment, I shrug, mouthing 'I don't know', along with the crowd.

"Boo-bees." He says with a smirk, crossing his arm.

I try not to laugh, but the stupid satisfied smirk on his face makes it impossible, so I laugh loudly, Harry raising both of his arms in the air in victory as the whole stadium cheers and laughs.

"I've done it!" He shouts into the microphone.

"I'm afraid I've talked too long," He laughs. "Here's your camera back, Rhiannon. I appreciate your enjoyment of my hilarious, well-thought-out joke. Now for a bit of You and I."

Once he walks away, I roll my eyes, walking back over to Grace, Lou, and Lottie since the next songs are on Cal's side. I take a few pictures of fans in the crowd holding signs. Some I widen my eyes at, wondering what goes through some of these young girls' heads... and where their parents are.

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