20. Whipped

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We arrive at the back entrance of the club whose name I still hadn't bothered to learn about 20 minutes later, and security ushered the four of us in, marking Lottie's hand to signal that she was underage. I wondered what they were doing at first. I always seemed to forget she was just 17.

We made our way inside and Sophia led the way up to a private area where apparently the boys would be. The amount of people present was already starting to give me anxiety, and I just hoped I'd see Harry soon so he could calm me down. He had a knack for it.

Once in the small area that was partially open to the rest of the club, Sophia and Lou walked over to Liam and some guy I didn't know the name of but knew was a friend of Liam's, and Lottie went to talk to her brother. I stood awkwardly for a moment, searching for the familiar long curly haired Harry I knew.

"Baby." I hear him whisper quietly into my ear from behind me, his voice low and gravelly. His hands immediately go to my bare sides, pulling my back to him quickly and forcefully. I let out a small squeak in surprise.

I turn around and smile at him.

"Ha-" I begin, but he cuts me off.

"What the- What are you... What the fuck is this?" He breathes, his eyes glued to my chest, his arms trailing up to lightly trace the visible skin of my breasts.

"You don't like it do you?" I ask him, disappointed. I look down to reposition it. "I told Sophia it was a bit much, but she-"

"Rhiannon," He stops me, grabbing my hands. "If you keep moving that piece of material around your chest, you're going to kill me."

He lets go of my hands and I immediately cover myself with them, but then he grabs them again, pulling them to my sides.

"I like it... A lot," He whispers into my ear, pressing my body into his. "But, I'm afraid every other guy in here will like it just as much as I do."

"Good thing I don't care about them." I tell him, and he smiles at me, pressing his lips to mine.

He pulls away after a moment, and I can tell we've caused a scene. Everyone returns to their conversations, acting as if they weren't staring mere seconds beforehand. My cheek flares red and Harry seems to pay no mind, pulling me alongside himself as he walks over to where everyone else is. He also doesn't seem to mind that there are several people outside his group of friends I see regularly here that are seeing us together. I was aware we were making ourselves "official", but it was still a bit nerve-wrecking for me.

Harry leads me over to a bar where he speaks to the bartender.

"Rhi?" He asks, looking at the bartender and then back at me.

"Daniels, on the rocks." I tell him, watching as both Harry and the bartender raise their eyebrows simultaneously.

Harry just smirks as the bartender walks away to make the drinks.

"Jack? Not even with coke or something?" He laughs, and I shake my head.

"I'm from Alabama, Harry. I'm used to the homemade moonshine grandpa would buy from Old Man Owens at the feed store. This Jack is gonna taste like water." I laugh.

"He allowed you to drink it?" He asks me, stunned.

"Define 'allowed'..." I wink, and he shakes his head at me.

The bartender makes his way back to us, handing Harry something that looks like sugar with a splash of watered-down alcohol and handing me my Jack.

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