30. Paradise

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October 31, 2015

Everything seemed to be going my way the past couple of weeks. I was talking to my mother regularly now, which I would've never guessed would be possible. I was talking to my father, which I never knew I had. Harry and I were closer than ever, even when we were far apart. Even my illness had decided to go easy on me. My last cycle was as close to normal as I can remember it ever being and the pain medication prescribed to me seemed to be the right fit.

Harry and the boys were getting ready for their new album to be out next month, and then they'd finally be able to take a break. Things were hectic ever since Zayn left, but they'd been just as busy during the previous five years. It was time for them to take a breather. I had no doubts that they'd continue their music-making after the break. They all gelled together so well and they all loved it so much. Harry couldn't ever not perform again. It was definitely his calling in life.

He was beginning to dance around the idea of acting, too. He wanted to try it, but on his own time and terms. He wasn't going to jump on the first movie offer for a crappy box office plunder; he was going to wait until the right role came along and work on his skill until then.

He'd been delving further into the music business, which meant more legal jargon, which meant more meetings, which meant more time away. We both hated it, but I knew it was necessary. He couldn't be with me 24/7 and be the Harry I loved. He was passionate about his job and the many facets of it.

I was looking forward to Christmas, even though it was two months away. I wasn't excited for the holiday, necessarily. I was more excited that we'd both be off for a while and we'd be able to spend quality time with one another and our families.

I'd guess we'd gotten to the point in our relationship were both of our families molded into one. Anne and Carrie had met twice now and talked frequently as did Harry's stepdad Robin and my father. I'd finally met Harry's father, Des, who was very vocal about his appreciation for me not being 'one of those no good Hollywood lasses'.

My mother was due right after Christmas and had promised to spend the holiday with her late husband's family before we'd mended things between us. She offered to cancel on them and come to London, but I told her we'd fly in for the birth. Flying near the due date wasn't probably the best idea for her.

Harry'd already invited all the rest of my family and his to Christmas dinner. I told him it was his dinner, to which he insistently fought that it was our first Christmas dinner. He said I'd be doing all the cooking anyways, which was most likely true.

I was at a career crossroads, myself.

I'd been promoted, so to speak, to a higher-paying job with much more responsibility. I'd be working not only with One Direction, but with many other artists as well. It was a bit more flexible; I got to pick the dates and artists depending on when and where I could fly.

I photographed Ed a few times, one of which ended in a writing session where we finally finished the song I'd written out of anger at the beginning of the month. He loved it. We debated on whether or not I should release it myself or have someone else sing it. It didn't fit his style, so we both agreed he shouldn't. Harry begged me to release it, but I couldn't just yet. I wasn't ready for that amount of exposure.

It'd been a week since I'd seen Harry. When we worked, we usually met up when we were in the same city, but we'd been nowhere near each other. I was in LA, then New York, then Boston, then St. Louis, then London all in the matter of a week, and I was finally headed back to LA.

Even though I still technically lived with Grace, I had a key to Harry's house and had full access past security to go there whenever I wanted. I always asked or let Harry know I was coming by beforehand, much to his dismay. He tried to persuade me into just living there, but I couldn't. I'd stay there when he was there, of course, but it was just too big and lonely when he was gone. At my apartment, I'd at least have Grace. When she wasn't with Niall, of course.

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