12. This Shit is Good

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 We arrive in LA at around 6:00 in the evening. The paps are much crazier here, but it doesn't seem to make Harry squirm. He keeps my hand hostage in his, refusing to let it go through all of the flashing cameras as we make our way out the airport and into a second Range Rover where a familiar face, Mike, is driving.

"Good to see you, Rhiannon," he says.

"You, too," I smile politely and watch as Harry climbs in beside me.

We drive for a little while, and then something hits me.

"Shit," I mumble, and Harry looks over at me, questioning.

"I forgot about even contacting Cal. I just assumed I'd have a job once I got out here, I guess," I huff, running my hands through my hair. "How stupid is that? I need to call him."

I dig through my bag for my phone, but Harry stops me, placing his hand on mine.

"Babe," He says, and I immediately look up at Mike, who remains impassive. "I already called him yesterday. He knows."

"That's kind've cheating, though, isn't it?" I whine. "I can't just let you get my job for me."

He rolls his eyes, chuckling.

"You could demand a red carpet and to be paid in gold, and they'd still find a way to get you back. Believe me, Rhiannon, this has nothing to do with me. You're just good." He says, and I smile, embarrassed.

"It's unprofessional, though, isn't it?" I ask petulantly.

"Look at me... physical relations with a member of the crew... I'm the king of unprofessional." He smirks, and I feel my cheeks redden again knowing there's someone else in the vehicle. I simple smack his arm playfully.

"Physical abuse... I'm going to file a complaint..." He laughs, holding my hands back as I attempt to hit him again. I end up tangled up in his arms, laughing loudly. Even when I lose, I win.

We pull up to a house that I'm unfamiliar with.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Well, this was part of the surprise... We don't have another show until next week. And it's back on the east coast in Pittsburgh. So, consider this a mini vacation. I have a few promo-things to do before then, but for the most part, I'll be free. And I think you'll have to come along for some of the promo, anyway." He explains, and my smile becomes a mile wide.

"I hope you don't get tired of me," I grin.

"Not even possible." He affirms.

The second he opens the door, the lights turn on and I hear a "SURPRISE" being shouted from at least ten different people.

I see the rest of the boys, Sophia, Lottie, Lou and Lux, along with a guy I don't know standing by Liam and a girl standing with Lou that looks to be my age.

Sophia runs up to me and pulls me in for a hug.

"You're back! I was afraid Harry's plan failed. I was gonna have to kill him." She laughs, and I laugh along with her.

"Cheers." Harry says sarcastically, struggling with luggage. I just laugh at him.

"So?" Liam asks with an accusatory tone, looking between Harry and I. As my hands nervously intertwine together, Harry's arm snakes around my back pulling me close to him, and I hear different whistles and "woo"s and "get it"s being yelled, and when I look up, there's one girl just smiling politely. It's the girl I didn't know. I look at her a bit closely. She looks just like Harry.

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