26. If I Could Fly

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September 13, 2015

Today, we were headed back to London. Harry and they boys had a couple of gigs around the UK in London and Manchester, then they were headed to Ireland for another show before traveling to Europe. I was so ecstatic. Traveling the world was always a dream of mine, and it was finally coming true. Not only was I getting the opportunity to travel the world, but I was getting to do it with the man I loved. I kept pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Thankfully, I wasn't.

After packing my things up, I helped Harry pack his. He didn't have much to pack other than loungey clothing. He had a stylist that apparently delivered his famous skinny jeans and the button-up of the day to wherever they were playing. He did have one shirt, however, that I made sure he brought along. The light-blue silk button up would be forever my favorite. It just looked perfect with his tanned skin with bits of tattoos showing on his chest.

Grace skyped me to say goodbye, telling me she'd miss me dearly. She was currently in Georgia visiting her family.

"You're coming to the show in Italy, aren't you?" I ask her.

"Yeah," She answers, a smug grin on her face. "I'll be there."

Apparently, Niall had arranged to fly her to Europe for a week when she didn't have meetings for work. They were definitely getting a lot closer. I was just happy to see her so happy.

"Good." I smile, giving her one look.

"Ready, love?" Harry asks, walking back into the front door after helping the driver load our things.

I nod.

"I've gotta go, Grace. We're getting ready to leave. I'll call you later." I tell her.

"Ok. Be careful, Liz. Love you!" She says, waving at me from my phone screen.

"Love you, too." I smile, before ending the skype call.

Harry and I climb into the blacked-out SUV.

"You excited to go home?" I ask Harry, and he offers a warm smile.

"Yeah," He begins. "I miss my family loads. Which reminds me, my mum is coming to the first gig, along with a lot of my family and friends. You'll get to meet them all. Mum's been dying to meet you, of course."

I cringe.

"Are you afraid to meet her?" He asks.

"Not necessarily," I begin. "It's just... She knows about the rehab and stuff, right? And what if she finds out about the infertility thing? No doubt she wants grandchildren, like any mother."

"Relax, Rhi," He says, pulling me to him. "She does know about the rehab. I tell my mother everything. I tell her because I know I can confide in her. She doesn't judge you, Rhiannon. She understands what you've been through. She knows not every kid was lucky like me... to have a mother like her. And I haven't told her about your diagnosis... Which isn't a for sure thing, by the way. Your doctor said it's possible."

"But highly unlikely."

"It was highly unlikely that I would end up a millionaire in a boyband known around the globe, playing in stadiums filled with 50,000 people every night, too." He says, laughing.

"You've got a point." I admit.

"She'll love you just as much as I do. Promise." He says, kissing the top of my head.

We make it to the tarmac a half an hour later, and we board the private plane. Since the trip back to LA was Harry's conspiracy for my birthday presents, the rest of the guys were already in London and we had the plane to ourselves.

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