24. Oh, Brother

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September 6, 2015

I'd made arrangements to meet with David and his wife and son in Seattle today. I was freaking out. I was excited, but I was also nervous and scared. He seemed so nice, but I was afraid it was all a ploy. I was also afraid that his wife wouldn't like me, or would be apprehensive about him having a daughter he didn't know about. I wouldn't blame her, really.

He was successful, too. He came from a world like Harry's. He had assistants that had their own assistants, you had to schedule a phone call with him, and his monthly salary had more zeroes than my annual pay.

Harry and I arrived, with minimal paparazzi interference, to David's apartment building (more like skyscraper, the entire top floor was used as his home) a few minutes late, and I was afraid that was going to make me seem less trustworthy or something.

"Calm down, babe," Harry told me calmly, rubbing circles in my back as we ride up the elevator. "Everything will be fine."

As soon as the elevator doors opened, I saw him. His back was facing me, and a woman I presumed to be his wife was standing by him, her hand on his shoulder, reassuring him.

He was tall, fair skinned (but still darker than my skin), and had the same exact color hair as me. As he turned, I saw that he had the same shade of green eyes that I had, and I noticed the wrinkles between his eyebrows were the permanent version of the ones I had when I would get stressed out.

I watched as he blinked and a single tear fell from his eye. My emotions mirrored his, my tears on the precipice of spilling. Harry's hand stayed attached to my back.

"Hi," I blurted nervously. "I, um, well you know who I am, I guess, I-"

Before I could say anything more, the silent, still man fluidly made his way over to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. Oddly enough, it didn't feel awkward or weird. It felt right.

"I am sorry," He finally muttered before letting me go. "I should've asked you first."

His wife came over to stand beside him, taking his hand reassuringly.

"It's fine," I croak. "Good way to break the ice, I guess."

He smiles, and then we both let out a small laugh at the same time. The same exact laugh, actually, only in different octaves. We both share the same stunned expression that Harry and his wife share.

"Wow," his wife smiles. "There's definitely no denying it. Isn't it amazing? The similarities. Oh, I'm being rude. I'm Carrie, David's wife. It's such a pleasure to finally meet you, Rhiannon."

She offers her hand to me, and I take it. She seems very nice.

"It's nice to meet you, too," I smile. "This is my boyfriend, Harry."

I look back at him and he steps forward, a polite smile on his face.

"It's lovely to meet you both." He says politely.

They both notice his accent and I watch as Carrie knits her eyebrows together.

"Harry Styles?" She asks, and he laughs nervously.

"That's me." He smiles, his cheeks faintly turning a bit red.

"I thought I recognized you. You're all over my 8-year old niece's wall. You could say she's a fan." She smiles, and they both laugh.

Suddenly, we all hear a baby cry.

"Oh, that'll be Silas. He's probably ready to eat again. If you'll excuse me," She walks away quickly. I'd forgotten momentarily that she'd just given birth a little over a month ago. She looked amazing considering.

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