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Will I ever see the sun again? I don't know... it's been so long since last felt its warmth. Though, my last memory of ever seeing it for the last time, was with my father. I wish I could say it was a happy memory but... that was the day he killed himself, on my sixth birthday. The sun disappeared behind the clouds that would never leave-the infinite storm. The clouds. Where it came from, nobody really knows. The sky was covered by a thick, dark cloud that spread over our world allowing very little sunlight through, enough to make everything illuminated on in an eerie pale light during the day, and an abyssal darkness at night. Crops don't grow as fast as they used to, and tensions between countries have strained as each blame the other for making the sun disappear. Nobody can fly anymore, not even the birds. If anyone tries, they simply disappear in the thick cloud never to be seen again. Worse still, technology doesn't really work as well as it used to. All satellite connections have been cut off and only radio systems really seem to work for communication.

It was only a matter of time before it came to this... before it came to war. I was drafted yesterday, with my adoptive father, to go fight in the war against the Solfree nation. Apparently, they were the ones that caused it... but I think they are just a scapegoat for people to put the blame on. Hell, everyone says that they have gone crazy believing in some cult. Well, who knows...

It doesn't matter anyways... at the rate its going... food will become harder and harder to find... and soon everybody will die. If not, then we'll just kill each other until nobodies left.

-Journal entry number 56- Arian

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