Chapter 6: Mother

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What now...?


I opened my eyes to see a woman sitting over my chest with a knife near my throat.

Why I am not surprised...?

The woman peered at me with angry eyes.

"Where are they?"


Wait is she-?

"The siblings-?"

The woman put the knife closer to my throat.


I looked in her eyes.

They are a light blue, and her hair is a light brown.

Her eyes seem... frightened...

"Look, just put the knife away and get off of me. The siblings should be-"

I peered towards the floor through the corner of my eye...

"Looks like they took off on me..."
The woman looked at the blanket and pillow on the floor and breathed in deeply.

"Not again..."

She slowly got off of me and put her knife away.

She still sat on the bed next to me.

"Sooo... sorry about that. Regardless, who are you, and how did you meet the siblings?"

I sat up and felt around my throat. My key still hanging from the string around my neck.

"My names Arian. I met the siblings in Steedsville, lost without their mother which I am guessing is-"

The woman sighed.

"No... I'm not their mother. But they refuse to call me by any other name-R-Regardless! I am their caretaker... and I need to find them."

I nodded.

"Alright... I'll help you. Where were you anyway?"

The woman held her hand over her face.

"It's a long story. The gist of it is we were separated at a bus station in Aresdale, the town north of here. They took one bus and I took another. My name is Tari, by the way."

"I see..."

I slid off of the bed and grabbed my jacket from the floor, sliding it on so that my uniform is complete.

I pulled on my boots and slid my holster around my waist, before grabbing a rifle from the gun rack. Now that I look at it, it's a rather old model. Every time I shoot it I'll have to reload it. Well, I guess if this is all we can get, then that's all we can.

I turned towards the door to see Tari standing by the door.

She is wearing a long blue skirt and a blue undershirt, a small jacket over it.

Tari looked at me suspiciously.

I looked at the rifle in my hand.

"It's not loaded. The sign over there confirms it."
Tari looked past me, then nodded.

"Alright. Well, let's go."
Tari left the room as I followed behind her. Hopefully they have lax room inspections... not like Tari would allow me to tidy up before I left...

We made our way to the front desk where a new soldier from earlier stood. He looked at me.

"Name, and identification."
I placed the rifle on the desk.

"Arian, fifty-first infantry."

The soldier nodded as he looked at a small list from one of the drawers on the desk.

"Alright. You've been commissioned with an M-One carbine rifle. Use it with discretion. Your patrol route encompasses the southern side of the city."

I nodded as he pulled up a few boxes of ammunition.

"Yes sir."

I grabbed the boxes and put the bullets into the small ammo bag on the belt of the holster.

The man looked back to his list.

"Carry on."

Tari and I walked outside of the Barracks. It's brighter out here than normal. Many of the buildings have lights around their doors and along the walls of them so that it's brighter than the outside of the city. Almost as if the sun...

I started to walk down one of the sidewalks, when Tari grabbed me by my shirt.

"Whoa, where are you going?"

I looked at her.

"I have orders... but I can look while on my way to them. Right?"

Tari nodded.

"Alright... let's go..."
We walked together down the sidewalk, and passed very few people along the way.

The few we passed had a sense of dread over them. I suppose living in a city that borders enemy territory takes its toll. Well, if anything Lastandell is probably one of the more secure walled cities in the world. But... not even that can save a dying world.

We came to a large arc between two buildings, leading to the town center where some sort of event is taking place. People danced around a fire as they wore pumpkin shaped masks, and scare crow costumes. Next to them a banner that reads, 'Fall Fest'.

I had forgotten that its fall...

Watching the group dance are the siblings. So... this is where they went.

Tari ran past me and made her way to the two of them.

She knelt down and hugged the two of them.

As I got close the girl pointed at me.

"Arian here took care of us while you were gone-"
Tari let go of them.

"I know..."

One of the people wearing the pumpkin mask walked up to us.

"Ah, hello. Nice to see a few more people out."

The boy looked at him.

"The festival is rather nice."

The man sighed.

"Well, I am glad you've enjoyed it... sadly it is usually bigger but after the war started, people haven't exactly been normal, I guess. We came out today to make everyone feel better but... well, only these two children showed up."

Tari looked at them.

"Well, thank you for performing for them. We ought to go now though."

The man nodded.

"We should thank you. But, if you must go, you must go."

The man walked back to the others in costume.

Tari smiled.

"It's good to see that they are trying to cheer up everyone."

It is... but...

"It's hard to make people who have death looming over them feel much better."

I started to walk away.

Tari called out to me.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

I looked back at her.
"You two found your mother... and I have orders to attend to. Take care alright?"

I turned back to my walking.

So, is this it...?

I guess I will be alone again...

Oh well...

Since when have I not been?

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