Chapter 14: Dark Places

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The emergency lights surrounding the wall suddenly flashed on, a red color. Many of the soldiers around me broke down, the young one from before standing up very loosely from the wall of the tower. He reloaded the pistol and as he stepped out from behind the tower, he fired his pistol out blindly into the darkness below the wall.

"What the fuck do you want?! Tell me damn it! Tell me! WHAT!"

Another soldier stood up next to him and held on his shoulder, pulling him down. As he was pulled down the young man broke out in sobs.

"Were doomed...! Fucking doomed!"

What now...? The enemy forces will have all the advantage to take us now...

I can't let that happen...

A loud screeching pierced the air for a moment.

"Attention all citizens and soldiers currently presiding in Lastandell! We have an ultimatum! We know that the spirits Luna and Sol are currently inside the city. If you bring them to us, we promise you all no harm! We will halt our advances for now... but be warned! Failure to commit and we will come in!"
So... it looks like they truly were after Sol and Luna.

I stood up, and carefully made my way towards the stairway leading down from the walls.

It's quiet...

I looked back behind me to see many of the soldiers treating everyone injured and shot. While some, stood unsure as they looked away from the wall. I don't want to think that they are taking their threats seriously, but as it is now... there isn't anything else for them to do. Command hasn't sent any orders... and the one in charge of this section of the wall is dead.

It's only a matter of time before one of them...

I quickened my pace as I made my way down the wall, holding tightly onto the rifle in my hands.

The town in pitch black... only the very vague silhouettes of the buildings stretching into the darkness. Every step I take makes a thud, every breath I take striking out into the silence around me, and every inch closer I walk into the town my heart begins to pound louder.

I can't use my flashlight. It will probably be best if I make my way unnoticed... even if some light would be nice now.

I need to get to the siblings... and to Tari. We have to leave here and set out, before it's too late.

"Hey! What's going on...? What happened to the lights?"

A black figure looked at me from the darkness.

What do I say...?

"It's uh... it's not good. Something happened."

"Oh... I see. So... the lights were shut off...?"

Who is this person...?

I looked at them curiously. I can't really make out their features...

A white shine came from the figure.

"You know... that's ok... have you heard of Sol...? Have you heard of Luna...?"
So... whoever this is heard the announcement.

"Yeah, I've heard of them..."
"Ah... I see..."
I walked carefully towards the black figure, my rifle at the ready.

I stopped as I got close enough to make out the faintest characteristics.

The person... it doesn't look like they have a face.

Guess I have to use this...

I grabbed the small standard flashlight from my belt and clicked the small button behind it, the light cutting through the black, revealing a man wearing a full body black suit standing in front of me.

"Hmmm... guess I have no choice-!"

The man pulled out a knife and jumped forward to rush me.

I raised the rifle up with my free hand and fired, the man in front of me dropping dead onto the ground.

I attached the flashlight to the side of my rifle using the small clip pre-attached on the side of the barrel.

I held onto it with both hands as I walked over to the dead body and stepped down on it.

Looks like the enemy has been impatient...

Have the main force wear white suits, black out the city, and send in those wearing black suits. If you suspect those in white, it's easy to miss those in the shadows behind them.

"We're all over, you know...?"
I turned around, the light from my flashlight revealing an empty part of the street.


"So, the Solfree has invaded the city already?"
A voice came from somewhere in front of me.

"Why, yes... it's been a while. But we've been here, in the shadows... even before the seige. Of course... there is something of interest we want-something we have been searching for. I'm sure you know what it is... so hand them over and no more people need to die."

I grabbed a bullet from my ammo bag and ejected the old one from my rifle.

"I won't."
I placed the new bullet into the empty firing chamber and pushed the mechanism into place.

The voice from the shadows came from somewhere closer to me.

"That's... unfortunate... well, at least those on the wall will soon mutiny. Men's spirits break easy in the dark... and you know what...? They shouldn't fear the dark. We are the dark... and if you won't join us, then you will simply have to die!"

I looked around quickly for the person, footsteps coming from behind me.

I turned around quickly and pulled the trigger from my rifle, shooting at nothing.

The person's voice came back from somewhere.

"Nice try... but..."

I dropped my rifle and reached for my pistol at my side.

A cold hand grabbed onto my wrist.

"Those that exist in the dark... aren't easily seen."
I pulled on my hand, a sharp object piercing my leg.

With my other hand I grabbed onto the persons hand as they held onto mine and pulled away.

With my head I rammed it into theirs, the person letting go of my wrist.

Quickly I pulled the knife hidden at my side and thrusted it into the persons' chest, blood covering my hands and face.

As the person fell limp, I stopped, their body falling onto the ground as I stumbled backwards.

What did he mean...?

That they are the dark...?

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