Chapter 19: Acceptance

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I looked at Sol concerned.

"What do you mean...?"
Sol smiled.

"Luna has been near the facility where we were given these human bodies. She surrounds herself with the people that follow her, but I have the feeling that she knows as well as I do that the longer she lives, the more everyone will suffer. Your key... she has it around her neck at all times."

She could easily have destroyed it. Hidden it, or... yet she still has it?

Sols probably right. She knows that people are going to hurt more, the longer she lives. But... I can see where she is coming from. It's unfair, for her, to have to sacrifice her own existence for others. But...

I forced myself to stand off of the bed, stumbling forward.

Tari caught me, before I fell.

"Arain! You shouldn't try to walk yet!"
Sol clenched his fists.

"Arian... I don't want you coming with me."
I shook my head.

"I've come this far... haven't I? I want to see it through to the end."

Sol sighed.

"Fine... I suppose I owe you this much."
Tari pushed me back onto the bed.

"No! You aren't going... do you even see the condition you're in?"

I felt the bandages wrapped around my body.

"Yes... but that doesn't change anything. If I don't finish this through, then nothing will get better. I want to live, Tari. With you, I want to make a good life for myself. And everybody who is suffering from the clouds... they don't deserve this."

Tari looked slowly towards Sol.

"And you...? You're ok with disappearing?"

Sol nodded.

"Of course."

He raised his hand into the air and flicked his fingers as a new orb of light flashed in front of him, opening a small passageway to what seems like a forest.

Sol slumped forward, breathing hardly.

"Damn... that takes way too much energy... lets go..."

He stepped through the portal, Tari helping me through it.

On the other end we walked into a small clearing in the forest.

People wearing black suits stood around the clearing, and all drew long knifes as they seen us.

Sol flung his arm forward as beams of light flashed through the air, the men all dropping dead onto the ground.

"Guess... Luna... was... waiting... for... us..."
He held onto his stomach.

Somethings not right...

"Sol. What's wrong?"

Sol looked to me.

"It's just... it happens when I use too much energy. Don't worry though, I'll be fine. I can last long enough to see myself home."
Tari held onto me, and helped me walk with Sol through the forest, Sol lighting up the way.

Eventually we came to a large wall, constructed hastily with wood. A large fire lit behind it, more men in black suits standing on top of them. The looked at us and called down to someone as a wooden gate opened up.

Luna stood on the other side as she stared at us.

"Sol... look at my little home here, built right round the old facility."
Sol walked towards her.


Luna turned her head to see me.

"Arian... you're alive...?"
Sol flung his hand forward, pointing at Luna.

"Leave them out of this! This is between you and me."

Luna smiled softly.

"Of course it is... brother."
Luna grabbed my key from around her neck and dangled it in front of Sol.

"See. Still got the keys... you surprised?"
Sol stayed silent, and only stood staring at her.

Luna bit onto her lip and dropped the keys.

"Go back home if you want, Sol. I'm staying here."

Sol started to laugh.

"I... can't go back. Not without you. You and I know Luna... that if we don't go back home together... well, things will be worse than they already are."

Luna grinned.

"Then stay. I know you feel it too brother. That horrible ache in your heart that is screaming at you from the inside 'I don't want to die!' We all feel it... that's why I..."
I can't stay quiet.

I stepped forward, Tari turning to face me.


As Luna and Sol turned their head to look at me, I spoke up.

"Luna. Don't use the inevitability of death as an excuse! We all die... but that doesn't mean we can just do what we want. We can't make others suffer for ourselves to survive. What kind of life is that? Can you live knowing that people are suffering because of your selfishness? And I know... that it's unfair. I don't like it, Luna, but I have to ask you to die... even if it's not my place. I would rather you not disappear... but..."
Luna looked at her hand for a moment.

"Excuses you say...? Well... perhaps but... I just won't."

Luna raised her hand in the air.

Men stepped out from behind the trees, holding guns at us.

Sol looked around.

"Luna... so you did know..."

Luna chuckled.

"Of course I did. Problem with light Sol, is that it's too easy to see in the darkness."

Sol shook his head.

"What now then, Luna?"

Luna turned around and faced a building built into the ground.

"Well... leave, and nobody has to get hurt. You and I both know you waste more energy and you will die. So go."
I looked at Tari.

"Let me go Tari."

Tari held tighter onto me.

"No. If you choose to do something Arian... I will stay to help you."

I smiled, before I turned back to look at Luna.

"I'm not going anywhere Luna. I'm staying right here."
Luna stared at me angrily.

"I said LEAVE! I-I will have them shoot you..."
I nodded.

"Well, do it Luna. I wouldn't blame you. We want you to give up your life. And I know it's unfair... but you have the option of doing the right thing."

Luna turned around.

"No! No... I... I don't want to die..."

Sol stepped forward, the men holding the guns aiming quickly.

"Luna... please."

Luna turned around.


Sol held out his hand.

"Let's go home Luna... we don't belong here."

Luna stared down at the ground for a long time, and stayed silent.

The men around us growing anxious with every passing moment, the kept their weapons trained on us, walking closer.

Luna looked up suddenly, and with tears in her eyes, she nodded.

"Let's go home... Sol."

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