Chapter 3: Hotel

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I walked with the two children through the streets as we looked for their mother.

As we passed people they looked at us with happy gestures and faces.

The girl grabbed ahold of my hand as the boy walked ahead of us.

I can't believe that I am doing this...

How'd they even convince me to do this in the first place...?

The girl looked at me.

"Hey... do you think we'll find her soon?"
I looked at her.

"O-Of course..."
Why of all people do I have to be the one to...?

No... I shouldn't complain. What's the point anyway? I at least have some humanity left to help these two.

The girl tugged on my hand.

"I'm tiiiired!"

I looked at her.

"Just a little longer, okay?"
The girl looked at me with serious eyes.

"I. Am. Tired."

Why does she seem so... intimidating...?"
The boy stopped and looked at us.

"Sis is right, we should probably get some sleep."

Now what then?

I can't just leave them out here... and I have no idea where the police station is. Well I suppose I should at least try to find it.

"Look, I'll take you two to the nearest station and-"

The boy shook his head.

"Sorry, but no. We're not going there. Besides, the soldiers have rooms rented here in town, right? Just let us sleep over in your room."

I looked at the boy and shook my head.

"Look, I can't."

The boy rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say, Arian. You won't get rid of us so easily."


I'm too tired to deal with this right now.

As much as we've walked, I got to say I am pretty tired as well...

"Fine. But just for tonight... just know I have to leave tomorrow to the next town."
The girl looked at me.

"That's good actually, that's where were headed to."
I'll deal with this tomorrow...

I walked with the two siblings towards the designated hotel, where Reven stood outside next to the bus parked next to it. A cigarette in his mouth.

Reven looked at me, puffing out smoke from his mouth, coughing.

"Hey Arian... what's with the kids?"
I walked next to Reven with the kids still by me.

"Funny thing... they won't leave..."

The girl squeezed my hand incredibly hard.

That actually kind of hurts...

"I-I mean they can't find their mother... and I can't just leave them out on the street... especially at night..."

Reven peered at me unsure.

"Well... it's too late to take them to the nearest police station... fine. They can stay with you for tonight-but tomorrow-it is off to the station with you two, alright?"

The boy nodded his head as he walked up to Reven, and stared at him in his eyes.

"Sure... Mister."

Reven closed his eyes for a moment and handed me a room key.

"Your rooms number fourteen."

I nodded.

"Ok, thanks Reven."
The siblings and I walked inside the hotel and made our way to thorough the nearest hallway and into room 14.

Inside the room is nice... I guess. There is a large bed and a couch next to a small table.

A light is hanging from the middle of the room.

The girl let go of my hand and jumped onto the bed.

"A bed! At last!"

The boy followed after her and sat on the bed next to her as she laid down.

"Well, off to bed sis. The older people need to talk."

The girl shook her head.

"No. I want to listen-"

Her brother peered at her.

"To. Bed."

The girl nodded her head and got under the covers as she fell asleep.

I sat down on the couch as I looked at the boy.

"So... you going to make good on that statement of yours?"

The boy smiled.

"Yes. When she actually falls asleep."

He flicked his sister's head as she held onto it.

"Alright, alright! I'll go to bed..."

The girl snuggled up within the blankets and soon started to snore.

The boy stayed next to her as he ran his hand through her hair.

He looked at me solemnly as he sighed.

"Look. I'm going to say this once. My sister and I... are from the other side of the war."

I guess I know why they don't want to go to the police station now...

"I see. Well, is that all?"

The boy stared at me intrigued.

"Yes. But, I expected a much bigger reaction, though I suppose not. Oh well. My sister and I have a reason for coming here... just we may have overshot our destination. Anyhow, we need a ride to Lastandell. The town you and the other soldiers are off to tomorrow, and before you ask, our mother will, 'probably', meet us there. Either way, I need you to take us there."

I looked at the boy.

"I'll think about it. For now... let's just... let's just get some sleep, alright?"

I laid down on the couch after I set my bag down on the table, my pistol next to it.

Am I really going to take them...?

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