Chapter 7: The Wall

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I walked along the quiet streets in silence. Shouldn't there be other soldiers out...?

The buildings are really tight together, following the streets.

There aren't many alleyways here.

Eventually I came across the southern gate.

Two soldiers came up to me from the gate. One of them is the man that was on the bus with me, and who talked to me while I buried the man...

"Hold it! Who's there? Wait... I know you."

I let down my weapon.

"Arian. Fifty-first infantry."

The soldiers backed off.

"On patrol?"


"Yes. You guarding the wall?"

The soldiers nodded.

"Been... it's been a long day."

I laughed lightly.

"That's an understatement..."

One of the soldiers looked at the tall metal gate in front of us.

"You don't think that... the Solfree soldiers will make it through here, do you?"
The soldier next to him laughed.

"Of course not..."

The other soldier ran his hand through his hair.

"Why are we even in this damn war...?"
Why? That's a good question.

The other soldier looked around for a moment, before he looked at us.

"Well... there's this rumor you see. The rumor goes that Solfree started screwing with the weather when they ended up capturing the sun and moon spirits, Sol and Luna, which led to the clouds appearing. However, the sun and moon spirits disappeared before they could fix their mistake. Some say that if you were to kill both Sol and Luna, then the clouds would leave. Others say that the Solfree nation became one giant cult to them."

The other soldier looked at him intrigued.

"Really? I can't say I believe in this superstitious mumbo jumbo, but if it were true... I would put a bullet in their skulls if it meant the sun came back. I was a farmer before all this but after... well... I'll just say it's not good."

Sol and Luna... heh...

My father said something like that once...

Well... I wouldn't know. It's been a long time.

I pulled out the key from underneath my uniform as I stared at it.

An explosion suddenly shook the ground.

I stuffed my key back into my uniform as I held up my rifle.

"Where did that come from?"
A soldier standing on top of the wall called down to us.

"Solfree soldiers incoming!"
The soldier suddenly fell from the wall and hit the ground as gunshots began to ring out from outside the wall.

One of the soldiers standing next to the gate threw up onto the ground.

"I didn't want to be in this-!"
Another soldier ran towards me.

"Let's go! We need to sound the alarms!"

I nodded my head as we ran towards the stairway leading up to the wall. We ran up the stairway quickly, going up further and further until we reached the top of the stairway. The alarms suddenly started to ring out across the city.

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