Chapter 5: Lastandall

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The bus drove through the large gates of the walled city of Lastandall after a long trip. As it turns out a large band of people struck with dark sickness attacked Steedsville... enough to cause an evacuation. Apparently they were part of the cult everyone keeps talking about. Either way... hopefully the sibling's mother made it out alright. The man I knocked out as well... hopefully his fiancé is alright. Though... like it matters.

The bus stopped at the nearest military office. Where a few soldiers stepped onto the bus and started getting the citizens out safely.

I stayed behind with Reven and the siblings until the last citizen was taken off, as well as the soldiers in the back of the bus.

After the soldiers returned, Reven talked to them and explained who he and I are. They nodded and lead us outside the bus and into a large military building. It's a large tower like building, made out of stone, integrated with the wall of the city.

Inside is a large office room, radio stations set up in a number of places. A large board with war plans and other military strategies stood at the back of the room. Two staircases led up to the upper floors on the sides of the room, the top floor able to look down on the second.

The siblings followed me closely.

The soldiers led us to a somewhat short man who has seen some years, standing near the strategy board at the back of the room. He has a grey beard, and some white hair left in a comb over. He greeted us with kindness in his voice.

"Ah, commander Reven. It's good to see you."

Reven nodded.

"Good to see you as well, General Adner."

Adner nodded.

"Yes... I just wish that it were under different circumstances."

Adner looked at me.

"Hello soldier."

I stood in attention.

"Hello sir."

Adner smiled.

"At ease."

I loosened up a little.

Adner looked to the board behind him.

"Everything has gone to hell, hasn't it? Well... I suppose it was a matter of time with this accursed cloud above us. Regardless, we will push through as we always have, right Reven?"

Reven nodded.


Adner sighed.

"Sadly, Steedsville won't be supplying us for some time before their 'problems' are solved. Until then, were going to have to use what we can. All soldiers are going to have to partake in daily patrols within the city, and without along the walls. As you may know already Reven... this town rests on the border of our nation and the nation of Solfree. If we lose this strategic point, then we are truly doomed in this war."

Reven nodded.

"I understand sir. For now, if I may ask. Can we get some rest, me and my soldier here? We've had a rather long day."
Adner nodded.

"Always looking after your soldiers I see. Good man. Alright. The officer's quarters are outside, and the barracks is next door. Those children with you may stay with you, as I am going to assume you brought them here?"
I nodded.

"Thank you sir."

I looked at Reven.

"I'll see you later then."

Reven nodded.

Adner looked at me for a moment.

"Just one more thing, your patrols start tomorrow."

I nodded my head.

"Yes sir."

I lead the siblings outside of the building and walked to the one next door, a sign hanging over it reading 'Barracks'. The architecture of this town is rather gothic... many uniquely designed buildings, darker colors, the stone used to make most of the buildings a darker grey than usual.

Inside the barracks I talked to the soldier manning the front desk for my room. They handed me a room key, number 14.

Afterwards I walked to the room with the two siblings. The room is reminiscent of the hotels. There is one large bed, a small table, though no couch there is a dresser in its place, and a small gun rack at the back of the room holding a rifle. A sign 'Unloaded-ammo at front' above it.

Inside the room the girl laid on the bed and fell asleep while her brother sat next to her.

The brother looked at me.

"Long day, hasn't it been?"
I nodded.


I walked towards the end of the room and looked in the dresser to find a set of pillows and a blanket.

Maybe now I can get some rest...

I grabbed the pillow and the blanket from the dresser as I turned around.

The boy held out his hand.

"Your turn for the bed. My sis and I will take the floor."
I shook my head.

"No-its fine..."

The boy grabbed the pillow and blanket from my hand.

"It's only fair."



The boy grabbed his sister from the bed and laid her gently onto the floor, lying her head on the pillow. Her brother laid next to her and pulled the blanket over them.

Just... who are these two?

I almost forgot about that question. Well... it doesn't matter now that I am stuck with them. For now, I better get some sleep.

I removed the top layer of my uniform and folded it nicely as I placed it beside the bed. I took off my boots and holster as well and slipped underneath the covers of the bed.

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