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In this life, there are many inevitabilities. Of them all, one is the most terrifying. This would be of course, death. We all have to die someday, but that shouldn't rule your life. Life is more than just the inevitable, and people all too often forget to enjoy the lives they have been given. We shouldn't live knowing we are going to die, but rather as if we know that we will have another tomorrow. Enjoy life, and make it so that you are happy. Don't get so caught up in everything, and don't allow yourself to be stressed over such things as death. Enjoy what you love, because there is no point in not enjoying the life we have. To do so would be a waste. I do not mean however, to do bad things. You shouldn't use death as an excuse for your actions. Just because we die, doesn't change the ability to do what's right and what's wrong. You only die once, and you don't want to die doing something stupid, right? Well, I suppose it's up to you. This is simple advice, and I can't force anyone to believe it or not. So, I leave you with this. Live your life with those you love, doing the things you love and don't allow the world around you to stress you out and make you forget that without joy in life, then our lives are as good as meaningless. Hopefully, this has made you think. Thank you for reading.


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