Chapter 4: Evac

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"Hey! Remember me? The man you killed?"


I opened my eyes to stare at the emotionless eyes of the man that I had shot and killed.


The man smiled.

"You did me a favor-now it's time I do the same for you. After all... isn't life meaningless?"

The man pulled a pistol and held it against my head.

I tried to move my hands but they refused.

My heart began to pound as I opened my mouth, no sound coming out.

The man smiled as he pulled the trigger.


I woke up as I stared around my dark hotel room, breathing heavily.

A nightmare...?

My foreheads covered in sweat...

So... I still haven't gotten over it...

I sat up as I looked at my hands... I clenched them together and held them against my head.

I felt a nudge on my back.

I sprang forward as I turned around to see the boy standing behind the couch.

What the...?

"It's just you... shouldn't you be asleep...?"

The boy smiled.

"Well, I saw you were having a nightmare."

I caught my breath.

"If you say so..."

The boy bit his lip.

"Just... one more thing. There is just one more thing I may have forgotten to mention... and well..."


"What is it?"

The boy frowned.

"You see... some people would rather have us dead-"

Sirens suddenly sprang from outside.

What's going on now?

I stood from the couch and grabbed my bag from the table. I opened it to grab my helmet, and the three extra clips strapped to the side as well.

Someone started to knock on the door. Revens voice came from the other side.

"Arian! Time to go!"

I slid on the holster from the table and stuffed the pistol in its place.

I made my way to the door and opened it.

Reven looked at me, breathing hard.

"To the bus-all of you! The town is under attack... and the officials have called for a complete evacuation. We're part of the evacuation team. We're going to head off to Lastandell."

I nodded.

"Ok. I got it."

I turned around to see the boy holding his sister over his shoulder as she slept.

He nodded at me.

"Let's go!"

We made our way outside of the room and out of the hotel, into the bus parked outside, the other soldiers doing the same.

The bus is empty...

Reven and I sat in the front seats, while the siblings sat in the seat behind me. A few of the other soldiers from the hotel sitting near the back.

People ran frantically to the bus, however, and it soon overfilled. Reven tapped the bus driver's shoulder. He shut the doors as the bus started to move, leaving behind many of the people.

Some of those inside the bus started to tell the bus driver to stop, while others continued to panic.

Almost nobody quiet.

Reven stood up and looked at the people behind him.

"It's ok, everyone! We're going to Lastandall. Other buses will pick up those left behind. Please remain calm!"

The people on the bus calmed down for a moment, before one of them stood up from the back and made his way towards the front.

"We need to turn this bus around! Now!"

Reven looked back at him.

"Sir, whoever is still left behind will be picked up-"

The man yelled loudly.

"To hell with that! We are turning around now!"
I stood up from my seat.

"Sir... please sit down."
The man looked at me angrily.

"My fiancé-"

I looked at the man with a hard stare.

"You should have made sure she got on with you then dammit! It's too late to go back, I'm sorry."

The man rushed towards me.

"Shut up!"
I punched the man as he got close to me, knocking him out in one blow as he fell backwards.

"I'm sorry... really I am. But... our lives are worthless you know? So... deal with it."

Reven stood up next to me.

"That's enough... Arian."

I nodded as I sat back down in my seat.

Reven looked at me worried.

"You've always... no... never mind. Another time."

I looked at him confused.

"What is it?"

Reven sighed.

"I'll tell you later. Just... let me handle things for a while, ok?"

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