Chapter 16: Of light and Darkness

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A bright light filled the area, brightening up the darkness. Everyone stared at the light as it came from Sol as he walked through the crowd, a large ball of light floating over his hand.

"Arian! Tari! I'm glad to see you two..."
He smiled at us and stepped closer towards us.

One of them members from the crowd around us stood in Sol's path.

"Hello Sol. Afraid you're going to have-"

A small ray of light cut through the man's chest, the man falling backwards dead.

Sol sighed.

"I'm no push over... did Luna truly think broken people could capture me...?"
I looked at Sol.

"How exactly did Luna betray us...?"
Sol shook his head.

"Not here... lets go. Before these people around us want to make worse sinners of themselves."
I looked down at my leg and held onto it.

"I can't really move that quickly..."

Tari grabbed my arm and slung it around her shoulders as she helped me walk.

"Let's go Arian..."
I nodded.

I looked somewhat anxiously as the people around us stared at us, the weapons in their hands shining brightly from the light in Sols hands.

None of them look happy. Well... like they would be. But how is Luna part of this...?
As Tari and I approached Sol, a man wearing a torn police uniform stepped forward.

"Sol... please forgive us..."

Sol looked at the man.

"Forget it. Humans... have the ability to choose what they do, even in the face of death. Whether it's right or not... you chose this."
The man shied back.

"O-Of course... but we..."

Sol looked at the man with a long glare.

"I am an embodiment of light... and my sister is of darkness. Neither of us are bad, but... well, it doesn't matter to you lot. I'll just tell you this. Come after us. And die."

The man nodded, those around him backing away.

Tari and I walked with Sol as he turned around and made his way back through the checkpoint I had passed to get in here.

Sol turned around, yet continued to walk backwards, as he looked at me and Tari.

"Well, Arian, I'm sure you have questions as to why Tari said Luna betrayed us, right?"

I nodded my head.


Sol sighed.

"Well... there's something Luna and I haven't told you, nor Tari. Something we should have. But I digress. You know that key, the one you have around your neck?"

My key...?

I reached into my uniform and pulled out my key, still attached to the string around my neck.

"So... you needed me specifically?"
I looked up at Sol as he stopped.


I stopped in place, Tari doing the same.

She's a little too quiet...
Sol looked at me seriously.

"Look... the reason we came here, the reason we needed to come to Lastandell is that you were supposed to be deployed here. Your father, he was the one... well he is the reason Luna and I are trapped in these human bodies. It's the same reason he killed himself. That key around your neck... it's the very key required to fix this whole mess."

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