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A/N There will be origin episode spoilers in this chapter.

Marinette's P.O.V.
Marinette loved the rain, ever since Adrien gave her the umbrella on his first day of school. The rain reminded her of why she liked Adrien. That is why while walking home from Alya's house when it started to rain, she didn't mind not having a umbrella.

"Isn't the rain beautiful Tikki?" Marinette asked her kwami that was trying to hide from the rain in her purse.

"I bet you only like the rain because it reminds you of Adriens first day, when he gave you the umbrella." Tikki says knowing that was the reason.

Marinette's face went red. "I- I um well... Let's just get home, we are still a few blocks away and I don't have a umbrella!"

Adrien P.O.V.
I just finished a photoshoot in the park. Plagg is hungry, as usual, and so am I. There is a bakery outside the park, Marinette's bakery. Wait why did I think of her, I love Ladybug, Marinette is just a friend. Like when I gave her my umbrella on my first day of Public school, it was because she is my friend... Right?

I tell the photographer that i am going to Marinette's bakery and that i will be back. It looked like it was going to rain so I brought my umbrella, good choice. It suddenly started pouring rain, I was going to walk out of the park when I saw a drenched Marinette walking home.

"Hey Marinette, I was just going to your bakery to eat." I ran over to her so my umbrella was covering us both.

Her face turned pink, I hope she isn't sick! "Th-thanks Adrien! I was going there too."

We were walking in silence so, I thought I would try to make conversation. "This is the second time I saved you from the rain now." I tried to make a joke.

I guess it worked because she giggled, she is so cute! I mean- "I always forget my umbrella, you are like my hero. Be-because y-you always br-bring a umbrella that I stand under." That made no sense. "You are like a better version of Chat Noir b-but with u-umbrellas of course."

"You have no idea." I whispered under my breath.

Marinette's P.O.V.
Adrien is walking me home and we are standing so close. "You have no idea." I suddenly hear him whisper under his voice. Why would he say that he is nothing like Chat Noir, he can't be- A small cat like thing sneaks out of his bag and to my purse.

I was about to stop it when Tikki and the cat thing started talking. Is it a kwami like Tikki? A black Cat kwami would belong to Chat Noir so why is it Adriens bag?

Adrien is Chat Noir! I look up at him and see that he is looking at Tikki in my purse. Then he looks at me. I hope he doesn't know!

Adrien's P.O.V
I felt Plagg fly out of my bag into Marinette's purse. Why is he doing that, but then he opens her purse and says hi to a ... Ladybug Kwami? Why is it Marinette's purse shouldn't it be with Ladybug.

Marinette is Ladybug!

I look at her and see she is staring back at me. She knows I'm Chat Noir and I know she is Ladybug. "My Lady." I try to say when she sprints inside her house not going through the bakery. (A/N Marinette has a side door for her house so you don't have to go through the bakery) Why is she running?

I was going to go back to the photoshoot and talk to her later on patrol when I realized, Plagg was still in her purse. I went into the bakery and asked her parents if I could visit her. They showed me where her room was and I climbed up to her room.

Marinette's P.O.V.
"Adrien is Chat! Adrien is Chat!" I kept saying that over and over pacing across my floor when I saw it. Chat's kwami was flying around with Tikki. He is going to come get it and I don't want to face him yet.

Then I heard a knock at my door. To late.

I slowly walked over to the door and opened it. "H-hi Marinette," oh no, he's talking what do I say. Just pretend he is Chat and you don't know he is your crush, ya.

"He-hey A-Adrien." That didn't work. "I-I have your k-kwami."

Adrien's P.O.V.
"Thanks." I need to talk to her about finding out our identities, I am so glad it is her. Now I don't have to feel guilty about being in love with My Lady and having a crush on My Princess. "Hey can we talk about," I gestured over to Plagg and Ladybugs kwami. "That."

She blushed and looked at the floor, she is so cute. "Ya, s-sure." She walked over to her desk chair and got out another chair for me.

I have to tell her now that I love her as Marinette AND Ladybug.

"I need to tell you something!" We said in union. I looked up surprised. "Lady's first."

Marinette's P.O.V.
"I am really glad you are Chat because I had started having feelings for Chat even though I was in love with Adrien." I paused because he had a shocked look on his face. "I know you like Ladybug and now that you know who is behind the mask you probably don't feel that way anymore." I looked at the ground, tears threatening to fall.

Then I fell strong arms around me. "I love Ladybug." I let a tear slide down my cheek 'but not you' I could hear him saying it till he shook me out of my thoughts. "Marinette, I love Ladybug all of Ladybug. Even behind the mask."

I started to cry but, not out of sadness. I was so happy he said that. When I looked at him he was panicking, he must think I am upset. So I pulled him in tight.

"I love you, MY Kitty."

"I love you to MY Lady."

A/N I made this chapter longer because I haven't updated in a while. Please comment if you want a new chapter and which ship;
i) Ladynoir
ii) Ladrien
iii) Marichat
iv) Adrienette
Thank you for reading please vote and comment.😊

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