Adrienette and Djwifi

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This chapter idea is from @nacy_xerneas, thank you for reading and commenting!


            The lunch bell has just rung, Marinette and Alya are walking towards Marinette's family Bakery. A fresh snow fall covers the ground, packing snow. Marinette is smiling looking at the ground then glances at her walking companion with a smirk.  Alya is completely absorbed by her phone with the latest Ladybug news, unprepared for the snowball that was just thrown at her back.

            "MARINETTE!" The girl who was now holding another snowball only laughed in response. "Oh it's on," Alya put her phone in her pocket and began making snowball of her own while dodging incoming shots. 

            So involved in there "battle" they don't notice Adrien and Nino creeping up behind them. Nino held a snowball that was aimed at Alya's back, while hiding behind a tree. Adrien was mimicking his motions behind Marinette in a bush. Both boys counted down from three before launching their ammunition at their designated targets.

           Squealing from the sudden impact from unknown attackers, both girls turn around holding a snowball. Alya ran to attack Nino with a snowball, while he ran away in pure fear, "Alya it was a snowball don't kill me!" 

           Alya only ran faster with a evil smile "too late for that!" Instead of throwing her snowball she tackled Nino and put the snow down his coat. Nino screamed in protest and flipped them so he was on top and put snow in her hair. "NINO!"

            Standing up Nino began running again with a evil smile this time and Alya chasing with a face full of anger and wet hair. 

(Back to Adrienette)

              When Marinette saw her new opponent dropped her snowball. "A-ADRIEN!?" The boy in question smiled then threw another snowball at the girl. Snapping out of her daze she managed to dodge the snowball but slipped on some ice, landing on her back. Upon seeing the girl fall Adrien ran towards the fallen girl to see if she was alright. Opening her eyes with a groan she came face-to-face with her long time crush.

           Her shock was quickly replaced with a smirk when she grabbed a handful of snow at her side and smudged it in his face before sprinting away. It was Adrien's turn to be shocked with her boldness didn't realize she had run away till he heard his friend complain that the two girls against him wasn't fair.

           Standing with a real smile on his face he started jogging towards his friends, "I'm coming Nino, let's make this a fair fight!" Hearing his friends cheer his smile grew.

           None of the kids had a proper lunch but they did get a hot chocolate before returning to school with happy smiles on their faces. 


A/N This story is different from the other ones in this book, hopefully you like it though. I wanted it to be happy and make Marinette act more bold. Also I didn't do a reveal and this isn't post reveal either so I could focus on how Adrien and Marinette interact instead of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Djwifi was included as well because it was suggested, I'm not very good at writing their interactions but hopefully I did a okay job. 

Comment and vote on this story if you have a suggestion for the story I try to do all of them as well as I can.



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