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Chat Noir's P.O.V
'Why does she keep rejecting me? She won't even tell me who she really is! She is being a secretive about her civilian life as- as my dad started being since mom died.' I was sitting on top of my house after an akuma battle. My ring started to beep but, I didn't care.

This stared being a drill for me;
i) fight akuma
ii) Ladybug rejects me
iii) sit on the roof and wonder who Ladybug is
iv) climb down into my window

Tonight is different though, she told me that she wanted me to stop flirting with her... Because she likes someone else. She wouldn't even tell me who they are, incase it could reveal her identity. HAVE I NOT PROVEN TO BE TRUSTWORTHY ENOUGH TO KNOW HER IDENTITY. She doesn't love me, she doesn't even trust me.

Just as the last beep to signal my transformation is over a akuma flew into a picture in my pocket. The picture of my class, everyone is smiling and happy. It reminds me who I am protecting. The akuma turned the whole picture purple except one girl. Marinette.

I hear a deep voice in my head saying 'Ladybug doesn't love you nor does she trust you, bring me her miraculous and she won't hurt you again. Then you will know who she truly is.' I hear plagg yelling in my head not to do it. I agree anyway, I'm tired of not being good enough.

My Lady hates me, so instead I will visit my princess.

I shove the picture back in my pocket and take off towards Marinette's house.

(Skip to Marinette's house)
Chat Blancs P.O.V
I land softly on her balcony, I see her lying on her bed. I was watching her she looks so peaceful, till she opened her eyes and and stared at me.

She starred at me for almost two minutes till she stood up and opened the trap door.

"Chat?" She asked, I decided to stay quiet because I knew she would notice soon. "C-Chat Noir?"

I smirked she still remembers that weak boy. "No princess, I am Chat Blanc now." She took a step back in fear. My face softened into a kind smile.


"Because princess," I take a step towards her. "I realized I was chasing a girl who didn't love me or trust me, when the girl I truly loved," I leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Was you."
I heard her gasp but she didn't step away. I pulled her into my chest for a hug. "I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner."

I felt her stiffen, that is when I looked over her shoulder and saw pictures of that weak pathetic boy I used to be. "Marinette why are there pictures of that boy on your wall."

"That's A-Adrien Agrest, he's the boy I have a c-crush on, not that he would notice me." She mumbled the last part so I couldn't hear, but I did. I love Mari no more secrets.

"Mari I just told you I love you, of course I noticed you. But, why that half of me he is weak this is the real me." Her eyes went wide.

"ADRIEN?!" She yelled. Luckily her parents aren't home tonight.

"Hi Mari," she started... Crying? I started to panic. "Mari, Princess what's wrong?"

"Thank goodness, Chat I do love both halves of you I am so glad you are the same person!" Then she hugged me. And whispered in my ear, "but not like this. Where is the akuma Ladybug-"

"I HATE LADYBUG SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME OR TRUST ME, I WILL STAY LIKE THIS TILL I KILL HER. Then me and you can be together in peace." She pulled away. "I knew we were supposed to be together when I looked at this picture," I pulled out the akumatized picture. "Only you were left in it."

Without saying anything she grabbed the picture and ran down her stairs and... Transformed? "LADYBUG!"

"I love you chat." That was all she said before she ripped the paper and cleansed it. Then it all went black.
Adriens P.O.V
When I opened my eyes I was looking up at Marinette. Wait, "where am I? What happened?" Marinette only smiled softly and hugged me. I hugged back when I realized, I was in Marinette's room, and I am not Chat right now.

"I love you chat," was all she said before she stood up and transformed into ladybug. "All of you, and I trust you."

I looked up at her in shock. Marinette is Ladybug. My love is Marinette. No. Both of the girls I love are one.

"I love you too Marinette."

A/N all done this chapter was made because one of my fabulous readers gamingcrystal who asked for a MariBlanc chapter! Thank you soo much!

By the way now if anyone asks for what kind of chapter they want next I will give them a shout out so ask away.

Also thank you guys so much for over 600 views you guys are amazing and I hope my stories make you happy.


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