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This chapter is about mental illnesses and self harm.
(In Marinette's room) (Marinette's P.O.V.)
'Why would Adrien like me? I'm nobody compared to him. Maybe Chloe is right? Nobody would notice if I was gone.'

I stand up from my desk and grab a sharpener, carefully removing the razor. I'm not even crying anymore, the tears aren't worth it. I walk up to my bed and take off my jacket.

'My wrist will be to obvious but I need to know if it hurts.' I gently glide the razor across the inside of my wrist not breaking the skin.

'I barely feel it compared to the pain I am used to! The wrist is still to obvious though.'

I sit with my legs off my bed and pull my pants down slightly so I can see my waist. 'This place is always covered so no one will know that I am hiding cuts.' I place the razor to my left hip, but before pressing down I look to my left wrist where my razor just was. 'Faint lines and aggravated skin around it, it will go away in less then a week long sleeves and bracelets till then.'

I turn back to my waist and start dragging the razor harder in long lines drawing some blood. 'It looks like a tic tac toe board... With extra lines.'

Just as I am about to start on the other side my skylight is thrown open and my hand it grabbed. Furious green eyes stared at mine.

"What are you doing!?" Chat noir said angrily removing the razor from my hand.

"I-I was... It doesn't hurt." Was all I could say, looking away from his angry eyes.

"Is this the only place? Have you done this before?" His eyes and voice are still angry but, at the same time concerned.

"This was the first time and on my wrist too." Saying that he grabbed my wrist and inspected it.

"Where is a first aid kit," he asked still looking at my wrist and waist.

"On my desk." He grabbed the razor and put it in his pocket but before he stood up he kissed the aggravated skin of my wrist.

While he was walking down the stairs towards the first aid kid I realized where I had cut and how I looked. My pants and underwear pulled down slightly to expose normally hidden parts of my waist.

As he walked back up the stairs my face was burning red but, he didn't even look up at me. He only cleaned my cuts and bandaged them then grabbed my wrist gently and cleaned it.

"I don't care if it hurts or not, don't ever do that again because I guarantee it hurts other people. If you ever get this bad again tell someone, tell me, I will always come to save you especially if it's from yourself."

He jumped out the window and away. 'I never thought that hurting myself could hurt others. Seeing the tears on his face as he told me that made it sink in. Maybe someone would notice if I was gone.'  
Sorry for the really depressing and short chapter I haven't been feeling very well mental wise for awhile.

Good news though! You now have till Thursday to tell me what kind of story you would like any ideas you have or a favourite AU will help. I want to make sure this is the kind of story you want so please let me know!


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