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A/N In this one shot they don't have powers and this is the first time they have met. Marinette is still awkward but over texts she doesn't stutter. Enjoy!
Marinette's P.O.V.
I can't believe I am going to this camp! Alya, my best friend is sitting next to me on the bus. The camp has some activities everyone has to do but, most of the time we can go anywhere and do anything. There is a gym and equipment to play sports, snow shoeing, a park, tubing, a hub (the hub is a room you can go in sit down and relax with snacks.) and best of all A LOT of snow! Winter is my favourite season.

Alya fell asleep listening to music, so I am looking out the window it is about 9:00pm and we have made it out of the city. I started wondering what the camp would be like, would I make new friends maybe a guy? No, I'll just hang out with Alya and work on winter designs.

(At the camp)

When we get to the camp we got our room key and yay me and Alya share a room. I heard a knock at our door, when I open it I see two familiar faces. "Rose? Jukela?" I ask.

"Marinette! Alya hi! You are going to this camp to I didn't know that!" Exclaimed Rose, "can we bunk with you?" (Every room has two bunk beds wifi and plugs.)

"Sure! Come in!" Alya said.

"It's time to go to the Hall for the welcome meeting," Jukela told us.

(After the welcome meeting)
(No ones P.O.V.)
In the Hub

"I still can't believe how cool this camp is! We can do whatever we want here!" Marinette exclaimed, they were all squished on the couch. Someone came and sat down on a chair next to them. "Um hi?"

"Hi I'm Adrien," the blonde boy said with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Marinette, this is Alya, Rose and Jukela!" Everyone waved to the boy.

"Did you guys know there are mini eggs on the table? I'm going to get some, I'll be back." Adrien stood up and started talking to another boy, Adrien pointed over to the group of girls. The new boy came and sat on a chair by the girls.

"Hey, I'm Nino. My friend Adrien said that you guys were his new friends and that I should sit here."

"Hi Nino." The girls all said. Adrien came back over with a cup filled with mini eggs.

"Can I have some eggs?" Asked Marinette.

"Sure," he gave Marinette a handful of eggs. She through one into the air and caught it in her mouth.

Adrien just started at her "how did you do that?"

"Open your mouth," he did as she instructed. Then she through a mini egg towards his mouth but he moved so it hit him instead. "Wow, you're bad at that!" She said giggling.

(Back in Marinette, Alya, Rose and Jukela's room)

"This camp seems fun so far," Rose said happily. "And that Adrien boy is cute."

Marinette flinched at the sound of Rose calling Adrien cute, but doesn't want to start a fight so stays quiet and instead texts Alya.
M: I also thought Adrien was cute. BUT DON'T TELL THEM.

Alya checked her phone when she felt it vibrates and gave a slight smirk to Marinette. Feeling her cheeks start to burn she rushed into the bathroom to avoid questioning gazes from her roommates.

Marinette stood looking in the mirror above the sink. 'It's pointless, why would he like you? I should just help Rose, she has a better chance.' Marinette thought to herself.

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