Adrienette and some Djwifi

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I am so so so so so sooooo sorry for such a long wait I have had this idea for so long thanks to ConiferousCedar15 for suggesting disneyworld/land. I wanted to focus on as many Adrienette moments that hopefully you will all like. Next chapter will be a akumatized Marinette Adrienette one shot as requested!

It was the last day of school and to celebrate Alya had decided Adrien, Marinette, Nino and her all go to DisneyLand Paris for the first day of summer break. In class the four were discussing what they would do first when they arrived. Alya wanted to go see all of her favourite characters which Marinette second on account of being able to see the characters and gaining inspiration from them. Nino wanted to go on the first ride he saw that go's fast a.k.a any form of roller coaster, which slightly frightened Adrien and Marinette. In a attempt to postpone the inevitable coaster Adrien suggested the Ferris wheel.

Of course Alya had more than just a end of the school year celebration trip in mind. She and Nino decided DisneyLand was the perfect places to get there friends together, especially because Adrien and Marinette both didn't like fast rides unlike Alya and Nino, forcing them to spend time together. Alya and Nino planned to ride everything together, hoping that  their friends would keep each other company.


Finally the day arrived, everyone was meeting at Adriens house so the Gorilla could drive them. Nino and Alya jumped into the limo first and were raving about everything they would do. Next to them sat a nervous Marinette and a determined Adrien. He clued in on the fact that Nino and Alya were going to be together the whole day, making it the perfect opportunity for Adrien to get closer to Marinette.

Recently Chat Noir had confessed to Ladybug but she had turned him down. Feeling heartbroken he went to the only person he knew in suit, Marinette. She comforted him and made him realize he always had a small crush on her, which had only blossomed in the few weeks since his rejection.

Adrien decided to start a conversation with her. "Hey Marinette, since Alya and Nino have decided to stay together the whole day I wanted to ask permission to be your date for the day?"

Adrien's P.O.V.
YES!!! I asked her to be my date! As in today will become our first date, hopefully followed by more if she says yes! Please say yes, please say- oh-no. Marinette stiffened at his words, she must hate me she is going to say no.

Snapping back to reality Marinette looked at Adrien wide eyes. "You mean you want today to be a date? With me? A real date?" She is freaking out, quick smile and try to summon some Chat charm.

Grabbing one of her hand he looked into her eyes she stared back. "Yes, I have been meaning to ask you for awhile so, will you go on a date with me today?" There now it sounds more real and she is blushing?

"YES!" Marinette yelled causing Nino and Alya to look over and Adrien to smile gently.

"Woah girl, what are you saying yes to that made you so excited?" Oh no Alya and Nino, they will support me right? Just tell them. No that's to awkward. Oh I know! Adrien held up he and Marinette's connected hands.

"Marinette agreed to go on a date with me today." Please don't squeal Alya! Adrien braced for a loud squeal but instead he heard her and Nino high five?

(At the park)
Third person P.O.V.
The friends walked in taking in everything as they headed toward the Castle. "Alright love birds let's meet back here for fireworks later. Enjoy your date~" Alya said in a singsong voice before walking away with Nino.

"What would you like to do first?" Adrien jumped at his voice, then noticed that there hands were still connected, Alya and Nino are gone and SHE IS ON A DATE WITH THE ADRIEN AGRESTE! She nearly fainted of happiness but was being dragged away by Adrien who was walking towards the rides. 

"H-how about the teacups?" Asked Marinette timidly. "Sure!"

While in line Adrien used the time to ask Marinette something that had been bothering him. "Marinette?" She looked up at him. "Are you scared of me?" Her jaw dropped, he thought she was scared of him?

Immediately she put her hands up and began to protest. Feeling slightly relieved that she didn't hate him aside, he still wondered why she seemed to avoid him. "Then why do you avoid me and stutter if you aren't scared of me?"

Marinette's P.O.V.
Adrien thinks I am scared of him! No! But what do I tell him now? Well we are on a d-date so I will finally confess! "Actually Adrien I was always flustered around you because," am I actually doing this?! "I have been secretly in love with you."

Adrien's P.O.V.
SHE LOVES ME?! I LOVE HER! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! Adrien had on a huge smile staring right into her eyes. "I-"he was cut off when they were pushed onto the ride. He sat next to Marinette and hugged her tight to him hiding his face in her hair. "I love you too." He whispered into her ear.


The rest of there day was full of sightseeing and rides. At the end if the day they met back up with Alya and Nino, Alya was now latched onto Nino's are beaming. "I'm guessing Nino finally asked you out then." They both blushed and nodded. Alya decided to change the subject to a final ride, the Ferris wheel.

Alya and Nino got into the first seat followed by Adrien and Marinette or "Adrienette" as Alya now calls them. Sitting at the top of the wheel Marinette looked up at the starry night sky watching as the firework show started. "Wow they are beautiful!" Cooed Marinette.

"Marinette," she turned her attention to Adrien rather then the sky. "Today was amazing and you are so beautiful and kind, I wanted to know. Will you be my girlfriend?" Marinette nodded before hugging Adrien tightly, then she pulled back slightly to look at him.

"Yes I wi-" she was cut off by Adrien's lips softly placed on her. Her eyes widened in surprise but instead of pushing away she closed her eyes and returned the kiss to the boy she loves.

This was the perfect day.

(Yes Alya did notice the kiss and took photos!😜) 

As always comment on what kind of one shot you want to read about and which ship and vote on the chapter! Thank you!


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