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Marinette walked into her classroom right before the bell rang, she went up to her seat to say good morning to her best friend Alya. When Alya looked up she gave Marinette a sad forced smile, "Hey, Marinette."

"Alya what's wrong, you seem upset?" Marinette had a look of concern on her face. It didn't look like she was upset, it looked like she was upset for someone.

"I'll tell you at the break." She said then looked to the teacher, leaving Marinette confused.


"Ok Alya, you have looked upset all day. What's wrong?" Marinette was sitting with Alya on a bench waiting to find out why she was upset.

Alya sighed, "Marinette, Nino told me that last night Adrien was in love." She looked away from her friends tearing blue eyes.

Marinette's heart broke into a million pieces. "W-what with who?!"

Alya didn't want to answer, she knew that she would be upset. "Ladybug." Was all she said.

Marinette froze, a small smile graced her lips. He loves me! Well not me but Ladybug, who is me! She was so happy she was going to run over to Adrien and confess that she loved him too, till she stopped. "He doesn't love Marinette" she whispered.

Alya was confused at her friend just spoke in the third person but, chose not to question it.

Marinette was about to break down, till she had a thought. If he only loves Ladybug, that will be enough for now. Till he can love Marinette.

(This part is about Adrien after school.)

Adrien was sitting on his bed, thinking about why he told Nino about his love for Ladybug.

"Plagg, what did I do? He either thinks I'm crazy, or he will tease me about it."

He heard a knock at his window. He looked over to see, "Ladybug?"

She smiled and waved at him as he walked over to unlock his window.

"Hello Adrien." She said with a kind smile.

Adrien's face flushed, he blinked at her making sure he wasn't imagining her.

"H-hi Ladybug! Why are you here?" He asked before he could stop himself. "N-not that I-I mind."

It was her turn to blush, she looked at the floor. "I-I wanted to tell you, or ask you- not that you have to say yes-" she took a deep breath before continuing, " A-Adrien, I l-love you. W-will you be my b-boyfriend?"

He stared at her did she really just ask him that?! She took his reaction as a no, as she was about to leave he woke up. "Yes" he breathed out softly. She turned to look at him.

"W-what?" She had a new blossom of hope in her heart.

Suddenly she was pulled into a tight embrace and spun around. When she was put down she still felt like she was flying, The Adrien Agreste was Kissing Her.

He pulled away, smiling like a idiot. "Yes."

It didn't matter that she wasn't Marinette.

It didn't matter if he didn't know who she was.

That didn't matter right now, all that mattered was that they were together.

A/N sorry for the short chapter, I don't really ship Ladrien as much as the other ships (if that made any sense, sorry if it didn't) so, I was having some trouble. Last chapter I had someone request that I did a one-shot for each ship. Which I will do, I just want to know which one you guys want first. Please tell me, and if you want a certain thing to happen or if you want me to make a second part for any of them (or more parts) please tell me that too. Thank you for reading please comment and vote.😊

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