7 - The Killer

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Having got out of the house early, wanting to avoid Damon after the dreadful Whitmore trip, Amelia walks through the town square quietly thinking. All she can think about is what Bonnie told her, about Damon and Elena high on blood, dirty dancing together.
One minuet, Damon is barely letting Amelia leave his side, then he goes and does that with the Doppelganger. The confused girl slumps down on a park bench, and sighs when she feels her phone vibrating in her pocket, and pulls it out to see who is calling her.

"What ?" She snaps answering the phone, knowing who it was after only seeing one letter of the caller ID.

"Good morning to you too, Miss Avoider" Damon replies in a cocky tone, which she just rolls her eyes.

"What Damon ? I'm really not in the mood this morning" She says with a sigh.

"Did you tell Stefan ? As he isn't answering my calls" Damon asks her, getting straight to the point.

"Did I tell Stefan what ? That you got his Girlfriend high on blood, then dirty danced with her ? No, I didn't, as I'm not stupid, and I don't want to see Stefan hurt" Amelia replies in a cold tone.

"And you think I do ?" Damon fires back, and she scoffs.

"I think your madly in love with his girl, and I think she secretly has feelings for you. And if you think that isn't going to hurt him when he eventually finds out, you're stupid" Amelia states bluntly, glancing over at the Grill to see if is open yet, craving a glass of Bourbon to get her through the day.

"Look, Amy, I get you're pissed at me" Damon begins, and the girl scoffs once again.

"Pissed does not even begin to describe what I feel about you right now" She corrects.

"But with this killer Vampire hunter on the loose, now is not the best time to be arguing. We all need to work together, find this guy, and kill him before he kills one of us" Damon sighs, sounding desperate to get her to be civil with him.

"You, me, Elena and Stefan all working together ? That at this current moment, sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. So deal with the Hunter yourself, if you need me, I'll be at the Grill drinking myself unconscious" Amelia tells him simply, before hanging up the phone, and shoving it back in her pocket.


Connor has taken Jeremy hostage at the Grill, screwing any plans Amelia had to drink the day away, so now she is at the Lockwood Estate. Everyone is meeting there, so they can come up with a plan.

"So we each take a different entrance, hit him at the same time" Damon suggest, as him, Amelia, Elena, Tyler stand talking.

"We'd have to be quick. He's gonna be expecting us" Amelia pipes in, breaking the silence she had been since she arrived, and Damon nodded his head in agreement.

"Stefan" Elena suddenly says, and they all watch as the youngest Salvatore enters the room, and Elena runs into his arms.

Amelia rolls her eyes, some thoughts running through her head that she won't say out loud, but is very tempted to. Damon glances at Stefan and the Doppelganger, before looking over at Amelia, who doesn't even meet his eye. He sighs quietly, wishing they could just makeup already, the looks back over at his brother and girlfriend with a serious expression.

"Where the hell have you been ?" Damon demands, basically glaring at his baby brother.

"Coming up with a plan" Stefan replies, and Damon rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, we have a plan. The plan is I'm gonna rip Connor's heart out and I'm gonna feed it to him" Damon says with a smirk, and a murderous look on his face at mention of the Hunter.

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