40 - Gone Girl

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Amelia had stayed at the Boarding House that night, not out of free will though. She passed out after what happened, so when they finally got out of the spelled house, Stefan put her to bed in Damon's room for the night. When she woke up, she buried her head into the pillow with a groan, inhaling the familiar sent that was Damon.

She sat up, looking at the large bed with a sigh, it feeling empty without Damon laid beside her. It also felt weird to sleep there, given they were broken up, it felt wrong. Like she didn't belong there anymore. As she looked at the bed, all that came to her were memories from the summer, from the moments they had together.

"Amelia" Stefan said, making her head snap toward the doorway, where he stood leaning against the wooden frame.

She shot him a small smile "Morning Stef"

His face was serious, and even for him, it was unusual at this time in the morning "What ?" She asked curiously "You've clearly got something to say, so say it"

He sighed, walking further into the room "Me and Caroline found something out last night, and you need to know what. I've already told Damon, whom is taking... in Damon fashion"

Amelia tilted her head to the side, a curious look on her face "Tell me what ?"

"It's about Elena" He began, taking a seat on the edge of the bed "She's not herself. She hasn't been herself for weeks, but we just haven't noticed"

The Evans girl scoffed bitterly "No, she seems like her normal self to me. The boyfriend stealing bi-" But Stefan cut her off, by placing his hand over her mouth, stopping her from speaking any further.

"It's Katherine. It's not Elena, it's Katherine"

The girl just sat in the bed, looking completely stunned, trying to wrap her head around his words. Then it began to make sense. When Katherine was dying, Nadia had a way to save her, by making Katherine a passenger in her body. Just like Gregor, Nadia's now dead boyfriend, had done to Matt at the beginning of the year. Katherine had refused to go through with it, making them all think she was dead. Instead, she had just made herself a passenger in Elena.

Removing Stefan's hand from her mouth, she just stared into space "She's brilliant" She commented, breaking her own silence "I never thought I would say this, but I'm actually impressed by Katherine Pierce. We didn't even realize"

"Which means, Katherine purposely kissed Damon, pretending to be Elena" Stefan informed her "Damon never did anything wrong, he was just a pawn in Katherine's games"

She nodded silently "She's brilliant, and now, I'm gonna rip her head from her body. Well, Elena's head from Elena's body"

"No, you're not" He told her firmly "What you're going to do, is come downstairs with me, and help us figure out a way to kill her"


Amelia walked down into the cellar, a look of hesitance on her face, walking toward the fridge to grab a blood bag. That was all she down here for, after leaving Stefan, Caroline, Matt and Tyler on the phone with Bonnie and Jeremy, discussing the possible ways to get Elena back and rid their lives of Katherine.

As she drank, her eyes rest on the cell door, where she knew Damon was chained up. She had so many things she wanted to say to him, but didn't know if she dared to or not. If it wasn't for Katherine, they wouldn't be at this point, they would still be in a happy relationship.

Flawed in places, but happy.

Chucking the empty bag away, she walked toward the cell door quietly, and peered through the bars. The minuet she looked in, his piercing blue eyes met with hers, and she froze on the spot. She hadn't planned on getting seen.

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