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When Amelia next opened her eyes, she wasn't sure what to expect. She remembered everything clearly. The wedding, Kai transferring his wolf bite, saying her goodbyes. Dying in Damon's arms.

One second, she was in her body, then she wasn't. Blinking, she looked to see her stood at the foot of her Damon's bed, looking at herself. Her, grey, dessicated body laid in Damon's arms, with everyone else gathered to the side, looking at the seen sadly.. Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler and Alaric all looked sad themselves, as they had all lost so much already. Sheriff Forbes had passed, Jo was dead, Elena was under Kai's spell, and now Amelia was gone.

Finally, Amelia's eyes fell onto Damon. He had silent tears falling down his face, his hands still entwined with hers, cradling her body in his arms. This wasn't like him. He never showed this emotional, vulnerable side to anyone unless they were special to him. Like Amelia was, like Stefan is. Her heart broke at the sight of him, trying her hardest not to cry. It wasn't like it mattered. None of them could see or hear her, but she still wanted to remain strong. Walking around, she pressed her hand against his cheek, stroking it despite the fact her couldn't see her.

"I love you, Damon Salvatore." She said one final time.

That was when everything changed. She felt a breeze forming around her, like a strong wind had hit. Looking, she saw no one else was affected by it, so she knew something was about to happen to her. The strong it got, the harder it got for the girl to stay on her feet. Suddenly, she let out a screech as she fell to the ground, the wind dragging her along like she was a rag doll. She knew it was pointless to resist it, so she just looked at her friends and family one final time with a fond smile. Then, it blew her away, and everything went black.

The next thing she knew, she was laid on a hard ground. It looked and felt like road, and putting her hands on the ground, she pushed herself up and looked around. She stood in what appeared to be the town square, but it looked like a ghost town.

"Amelia Evans." A voice spoke, making her turn around.

She looked eyes with a man. He was tall and dark, dressed smartly in a suit. He wore a look on his face, one that put a sickly feel in her stomach. "And who might you be?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"That's Cade. Also known as the devil." A familiar voice spoke, making the Evans girl tense. Closing her eyes, she let out a breath, before slowly looking behind. Like she thought, her eyes looked upon a woman she thought she'd never see again. The one and only Katherine Pierce smirked at her, giving a sarcastic wave. "Welcome to hell, Amelia."

"Well, your here, I didn't exactly think this was heaven." She said in cold tone, glaring at the doppelganger. Even in death, it appeared she couldn't escape the Petrova doppelgangers. Her eyes fell back onto the man, who was apparently the devil incarnate. "Why am I here? I know I'm a bitch when I want to be, and I've done some bad things, but I wouldn't say bad enough to end up here."

"Oh, that's easy to answer." Katherine commented, walking up to the girl and placing a hand on her shoulder. "I wanted you here, so he brought you here."

"Why? So you could gloat over the fact I died?" She deadpanned, looking unimpressed as she pushed her hand off of her. "Heads up, I don't care. I made my peace with dying before I got here."

Katherine merely shook her head, laughing with an amused smile. "Oh, I didn't bring you here to gloat, Amy. I mean, did you really all think death was going to stop me?" She asked, making Amelia look at her suspiciously. "I've had Cade on my side from the second I stepped into hell, and now you get to watch, as I slowly but surely destroy everyone you love. Well, I say watch, your about to play a big part in it."

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