Loving an officer comes with a price... (imagine) AU #2

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Previously:you and mark got in a huge argument and you left.while on your way to cafe for lunch you were shot mark is rushing to the hospital.

Marks pov:

I ran every red light.went past every car in my way.
' shes ok'
'Shot twice in the gut that doesnt always call for a recovery.'
'Shell be fine shes strong my baby girl is strong she can get through this.'
'No real way of telling..'
My thoughts went back and forth making me feel weak and defeated i felt tears stroll down my cheeks. i rolled into the parking lot and ran inside the hospital i looked around rapidly...

"sir!!i need you to calm down!who are you looking for?!" the lasy at the desk asked me.

"(y/n) (l/n), where is she?!"

"shes in room 23b"

"thank you" i rushed to the elevator and hit the button to go to the second floor. when the elevator door open i ran out i still didnt know where the room was. my mind was too crazy and out of whack to try and remain calm to find the room.so i asked a doctor that was walking by.

"excuse me where is room 23b?"

" I happen to be the doctor for that patient come with me"

"thank you thank you so much!"

i followed the doctor into (y/n)'s room. she was hooked up to iv's and other machines.

"whats her condition?"i asked the doctor.

"for now stable she lost a alot of blood on the way here so we gave her a few pints we are going to be operating on her shortly. Im sorry for your loss."

"what are you talking about shes fine what loss!?!?!"

"you guys didnt know?"

"know what?!"

"shes well she was a month pregnant. the baby was shot during developement sadly and wont make it."

"oh god she wont be able to handle that kind of news...doctor please dont tell her."

"i wont but sooner or later you will have to come clean."

" i will when shes recovered fully."

"well its time to take her in for surgery"


they took her away on a gurney i followed them i wanted to go in the room with her but one of the surgeons told me to wait outside.

~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~

i was nervous i paced back in forth. so many thoughts flew around my head.

'i hope shell make it'

'what if she doesnt'

'i cant live without her'

'the baby.......'

'how did she NOT know?'

i shook that though out of my head. suddenly the door to her room open the surgeons walked out with (y/n) on a gurney she looked peaceful and at ease just a little i guess cause she was sleep of they gave her laughing gas to keep her from feeling pain.

"successful surgery" one of the surgeons said

in response i simply smiled."thank you" i said.

"it was my honor to save your wife"

"shes my girlfriend" i corrected.

"same thing" the surgeon said.

i blushed at the thought of her being my wife "when will she wake up?"

 My Markibaby (Markiplier X Reader) Imagines And Lemon (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now