Markimoo and girliplier read fanfiction.( imagine.)

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Your pov:

today mark and i were gonna be reading fanfiction together on was for a sponsorship.

this oughta be fun i guess....

marks is in the office and is waiting for me.


go ahead and do the intro and wait for (y/n) to come in.

"shes coming guys." i say to the camera and right on cue she came in.

"ahh there's my beautiful girliplier." i say enthusiastically. once she sits in my lap i give her a kiss on the cheek. she smiles.

"alright so today guys we will be reading fanfiction from a sight called wattpad its an app as well you can read stories of all kind from mystery,science fiction,action,romance and fanfiction. and its free sooo hey go over to and sign up or get on your device and download it.because it has over 1 million stories written by people all around the world but today to display the awesomeness of wattpad we will be reading a few fanfictions or as this thing says imagines and lemons sooooo lets how this is gonna go is that im gonna read fanfiction people have made about her and shes gonna read fanfiction people have for me" i said.

your pov:

"so today we will be reading My Markibaby Imagines and lemons markiplier x reader By lexi or beautyqueen2222 sooo um Lexi if youre watching this...i dont know what to say to you...but umm if youre on wattpad people follow her. she apparently also have a random dream book which i plan on reading anyways lets read the fanfiction. So the first one is a lemon and it is you can never hurt me.i fear what this one is. oh also so you know we are reading reader inserts we already know the key cause we looked it up. so yea we know the drill here. so here is an author's note and it reads if you want to truly set the mood play the music in the media it last three hours so it shouldnt stop. alright lexi thanks for the music." i tap the play button

"Backstory:you and mark are a officially married and are on your way to your honeymoon spot in Hawaii.keep in mind mark you and mark didnt do "the do" while you were dating because marks had supernatural strength,speed and smell and so on. (basically hes supernaturally enhanced )and was afraid hed hurt you. oh ok good to know so alright lets get on with the story. oh so this is in mark's pov so i think mark should read this to give it a better effect." i hand mark the ipad.

"Married at last im happy i get to spend the rest of my life with (y/n).i looked at her peaceful and asleep on the car ride to our beach house.we just got off the plane not to long ago.wouldn't blame her for being sleep.
We soon arrived at the beach house as much as i love how peaceful and beautiful she looked while sleeping i must awaken her .she requested that if she fell asleep on the way to the beach house i have to wake her up so she cans see it.i gently shake her."Mrs.Fischbach,we've arrived at our destination." She wakes up and looks around.."

"aww alright so far so sweet i love it so far its soo cute. alright so this is in my point of view now"Mrs.Fischbach we've arrived at our destination." I woke up and looked around me. Then i look at mark his smile. I blushed. "Its beautiful." I said looking at the beach house "not as beautiful as you." He said. Thats a really corny pick up line id usually pick on him for it but tonight...ill let it slide. I kiss him gently and grab my purse.he opened the door for me and carried me bridal style into the house and placed me down into the living room. "Ill be back Mrs.Fischbach,i have to get our bags." "You cant stop saying my name can you." "No,glad you stole my last name."he said. He went to the car and i went straight to the was beautiful the bedroom had a balcony and a bathroom, a king sized bed with white flowy curtains moving slightly from the night breeze coming from the balcony.'perfect place for your first time' i though. I blushed at that thought. My train of thought was broken by mark saying."are you ok baby you look deep in thought." "Just thinking of how nice this place is." I say smiling he smiles back and kisses me started to slowly get heated when suddenly mark pulled away."wanna go swimming?" He asked. "Sure" i replied a little sad. now now thats now how it works irl i actual reject him all the time so lexi you got it wrong there."

 My Markibaby (Markiplier X Reader) Imagines And Lemon (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now