An awkward duet... (imagine.)

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Backstory: you and mark have the biggest crushes on each other. Never told the world but you do. You guys talk about each other all the time on your channels. Your fans told you to stop being shy shits and start talking to each other and do a duet or something. So you do. Since Mark could sing and so could you you decided to sing together as a collab.

Your pov:
I get my little ukele and wait for mark to arrive at my house.

It is all so nerve wrecking. Im meeting my crush. No im actually singing with him!
"Breathe hes only human like me but hes a hot human that the problem!!"
*ding dong!*
Could it be him?

I look out my window and yep it was him.
I ran downstairs and opened the door.

"Hey." I say smiling.

"Hey i didnt know if you the equipment or not so i brought mine." He said smiling.

"Oh i actually have everything in my recording room upstairs so its fine."

"Oh then ill just leave it all in my car." He said,

"Sorry that i didnt tell you i had everything you had to bring it all here it must of taken you a bit of time to do it. "

"Oh its fine its fine wheres the recording room?"  He asked looking around.

"Oh its up there follow me." I said.


He did so once we were inside my recording room he looked around impressed.

"Nice office you got here!" He said.

"Oh thanks feel free to get comfortable take off your shoes do you want anything i bought some refreshments yesterday so all the sodas and drinks are nice and cold."

"A water would be nice thank you." He said smiling.

"Do you mind setting up while im gone its all in place just need to turn it on."

"Yea ill get ready."

I go downstairs and grab two waters and go upstairs.
Mark had everything set up.
I hand him his water.

"Thanks so what song are we doing?"

"Oh well yknow since we are not the kinda people that are not taken seriously if we do a serious song i was thinking we do a funny song i have one in mind have you heard of Jon Cozart?"

"Yea he did that disney parody thing didnt he? If you ever wondered why Disney tales all end in lies heres what happened after all there dreams came true?"

"Yea thats the one nice singing!" I said giggling,

"Thanks." He smiled.

"Ok he made a song with a girl named dodie its called the akward duet ive learned the chords like a month ago on my ukele. You can watch it and tell me what you think if you dont like it then i have a basic band room full of instruments to play and we can pick another song."

"Ok." He said agreeably.

He watched it and laughed.

"Whatd you think?"

"I dont want to do this song."

"Oh ok well we can pick another i-"

"I need to do this song its hilarious!"

"Oh god you got me there."

He laughed and so did i.

He learned the lyrics and then we practiced once we did ok.

Then we began.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yea." He pressed record.

Mark is bold.

"An Awkward Duet"
(feat. Jon Cozart)

I began to play my ukele

Do you want to go first?
Cause I’m happy to wait, I
practiced really hard
but I’m finding it strange to start
with you.

So how does it go?
I’ve forgotten the tune, I
haven’t warmed up today,
so I might sound a bit strange...
Yes I do.

'Cause I
[Together:] swear it's true.
I'm just a little nervous in front of you.

So, who's on the third?
I think I'm better at mel-o-dy.
Oh, I'm going to get it wrong.
Should we try another song..?

I look at him with fake disapproval and nod 'no'

No? Okay.

Let's just go for a take.
And see how we sound, my
heart is beating fast,
Oh vocal cords, please last!
Here we go...

'Cause I
[Together:] swear it's true.
I'm just a little nervous in-front of you.

[Verse 5:]
[chord to maj7 to maj6 to maj6, then Gm with same descending sequence]
[Together:] Ooooooooooooooooo..

Hey, we sound good.
[Yeah, we sound good.
Yeah, we sound good.
We sound so good.
Yeah, we sound good.

La-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da..
Da, da, da, da, da.
[Jon:] la la la da da da a

[Yeah we sound good..
Yeah yeah, na na na na oooooh..
Yeah, we sound good.. [Jon:] We sound so, sound so good..
Yeah, na na na na naa..

After going all out we exchange  awkward glances.

I think I messed up
I just wanted to improvise,
shall we try another day?

I think I sounded great, so...

I give mark a 'really?'

'Cause I
[Together:] swear it's true.
I'm just a little nervous in front of you.

"You did well." I said.

"So did you."

"Ill email you the video."


"Thanks for having me."


"Alright bye." I get up and pretend to leave.

"Wait this is your house can youcant leave...can you atleast tell me where you keep your peanut butter?!" He joked.

I came back in the room and we both laughed.

I sat next to him again and we did the outro i edited the video and then posted it on my channel. We did a challenge video for his channel and then he left.

====the next day.====
I got up an checked my phone.

Mark: hey i know this is weird but i couldnt do it in person i was so nervous but would you like to go on a date with me?

I smiled.

The end.

 My Markibaby (Markiplier X Reader) Imagines And Lemon (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now