I shouldnt take too terribly long (imagine.)

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Backstory: mark has been super busy lately soo busy that you too havent spent any time together. All you want is to spend time with your buddy o' pal mark. So you can finally tell him how you really feel about him.

Your pov:
Mark and i are the bestest of friends. We do everything together. Except when he has to do something on YouTube if its not a YouTube video i cant go. I went to pax prime with him once it was amazing but. Some of the fans were major league bitches. One of them even threw a slushie at me. I was like 'what the fuck is this glee??' But yea i just let mark deal with his YouTube stuff while i deal with my game developing stuff.
Lately hes been a busy busy bee. Soo the most i ever see him is when he drops chica off at my place for me to dogsit.
But today hes not going anywhere hes mainly just focusing on getting videos up for his channel. So today im going over to his place in the process i plan to tell him i have a crush on him. That is if i can get him out of the house. XP

I put on a simplistic outfit. Tights,button up shirt,and some sneakers. And then drive to mark house. I arrive at his house. A bit nervous. Starting to second guess myself. But i knocked on the door anyway.
Soon mark came to the door i smiled.
"Hey." He said with his bright smile.

I smile back. "Hey marki ive got nothing better to do so i wanted to see if you wanted to hang out."

"Yea sure come in but im in the middle of a recording session ill be down in a while,"

"I can wait."i said smiling. I step inside.

"Ok i shouldnt take too terribly long." He said going upstairs.

"K."  I replied.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. I flipped through the channels until i came across (favorite show.). But then  i realized i already watched that episode. Over 1 million times and continued flipping through channels. I finally settled on watching Psych. (Awesome tv show i my opinion.) Laughed at Shawn and Gus' silliness. If juliet and Shawn never became a thing. Id claim shawn and gus the It couple.

I continued to watch and decided to take out my phone.
I do so and get on Instagram  and twitter. Noting new besides people asking me when the next update is for my game called.(game of your choice.). As well as some people telling me to create a youtube channel.which im still contemplating on.
I finally get off my phone and continue watching Psych.
~~~~~~~2 hours later.~~~~
Ive been sitting here a while. Watching random stuff. Suddenly i hear tiny feet pattering on the floor. I turn to see chica coming up to me. She jumped on the couch and sat in my lap.i rub her head.
"Hey chica pica how you doin?!" I said in my baby voice.
She whined and began licking my hand.

"Whats wrong?" I asked her.

She got up and ran upstairs i followed her into marks recording room
To see mark with his headphones around his neck. The same pair i got him for Christmas last year. He was deep in his work. Editing whatever  video he recorded earlier.i knock on the door.

"Hey." I say.

He turns around."hey (y/n), whats up?"

"Nothing much chica lead me up here i guess she wanted me to check on you is everything ok up here do you need anything?" I asked shyly.

"Actually my throat hurts a small bit could you get me some water please?"

"Yea sure." I go downstairs and get a nice bottle of fresh cold water and run upstairs and give it to him.

"Thanks." He said drinking some of it.

"Soo are you almost done?"

"Almost i have one more video to create and i have to render and upload this one it shouldnt take me too terribly long."

"Alright." I said smiling. He turns back around and continued working.

I went downstairs and continued watching tv. Chica joined me.

~~~ 4 hours later.~~~~
I got some popcorn because they were having a Twilight marathon. I continued to watch until i actually fell sleep. I woke up to twilight new moon. And chica sleeping on my feet.
'So cute!'

I chuckle and get up and go upstairs into marks recording room.

"Hey marki" i said.

"Hey (your nickname.)"

"Are you almost done now?"

"About, i have to make one  more video for tomorrow. It shouldnt take me too terribly long."

"Ok." I sighed. I go back downstairs and continue watching tv.

~~~~~~3 hours later.~~~~~~~~
Ive been sitting here with chica, bored out of my freaking mind. I have actually updated my game sitting here waiting for mark. As well as decided to create a YouTube channel.
I honestly feel like going home now. I get up.

"Marki im going home!" I called out.

Mark came running downstairs. "Are you serious i just got done!!" He whined.

"Well mark youve been busy recording videos all day and now I have to get going whyd you have to record videos for tomorrow anyway?" 

"Because (y/n) for a while ive known you liked me. I like you too and i had a date planned out for us." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

I got shocked. I jumped in his arms squealing.
He hugged me.

"You liked me too?!"

"Yea i have for a while now. Im sorry for not paying you much attention today. I just wanted you and i to spend all day together tomorrow." He said smiling

I hugged him once again."its ok you had a great excuse for it. Whens our date?!"

"Lets say around 10 in the morning."

"Ok great ill be there!" I replied happily. I turned around to leave. Mark  grabbed my hand.

"Unless you wanna yknow stay the night you have left some of your stuff over here."
I blushed."yea i can stay the night." I said sheepishly. He smiled.

We stayed up a little then went to sleep. The next day we had the best date  ever.

The end.

A/n: im sorry if it doesnt meet your expectations im going through a rough bit right now. Im surprised i have even had the strength to get on wattpad and write something. My new boyfriend of 2 weeks decides to break up with me then says he loves me and when i ask him what are we he completely avoids the question. Im just hurt and confused. :'( bye guys

 My Markibaby (Markiplier X Reader) Imagines And Lemon (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now