This is our passion (lemon) prt.2:rehearsal

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A/n: sorry wattpads being an ass and wont publish the rest of this lemon so i had to republish it.

Your pov:

~~~Saturday morning~~~~
I got up and looked at my phone.

7:55 am
Friday, Apr 15

Today i have rehearsals with mark........yay!!
I get up and take a shower and put on my black tights and spaghetti strap tshirt. Along with some heels. I let my long (h/c) down. I drunk some orange juice and got two red bulls out of the fridge for mark and i then texted mark.
You:hey mark ready for rehearsal?

Mark:yea just come by my house. 5765 elemental drv. (Dont try looking for that address its fake and made up.)

You:ok im comin over.

Mark:kk see ya

End of texting

I grabbed my things and headed to his place.

Marks pov:

Oh shit shes gonna be over any minute and im not even out of bed yet.
I quickly get up and throw on some deodorant and threw on some gym clothes.
And i had to figure out some sort of dancing space....wait a minute the living room is gid enough i just need to move the sofas. Ok now thats worked out.
I sprayed on some Cologne and wait Matt and Ryan are here dammit.
I rush downstairs to see matt and ryan on the couch watching tv.

"Hey guys." I says.

"Hey." They said in unison.

"Its a lovely day outside is it not? its a good day to go out to the gym and rock climb." I said trying to rush them out.

"Mark todays saturday i thought we agreed to only go Monday through friday." Matt said.

"Well plans can about you guys go out and go rock climbing and get some fresh air.?"

"Mark why are you trying to rid of us?" Ryan asked.

"Guys my dance partner (y/n) is coming over and we need a lot of dance space and no distractions."

"Ooooh ok mark." Ryan said teasingly. He got up and grabbed matts arm and they headed for the door. Right before ryan left he whispered something i didnt here i just rushed him out.
I moved the furniture around. And then went into the bathroom to practice what to say to her.
"Hey there." I said in a sexy voice.

"No....sup girl?" I said in a chilled voice.

"Most definitely not" i heard the door bell ring shes here

Ryans pov:

"Condoms on the couch if you need it"i whispered to him but he only rushed us out.

"So where do we go?" Matt asked

"Hmm movies?"


Your pov:
I arrived at the house and rung the door bell.

"Remember (y/n) dont be an idiot and be chill." I said to myself.

Suddenly he opened the door and smiled.

"hey" i said,

"hey come in."

"thanks." i went inside and looked around "nice place you got here."

"thanks im sharing it with some roomates of mine."

"mhm." i hummed "sooo is this our dancing space?"

"huh oh yea i just made enough room for us to move you think thisll be enough?"

"im no dance expert but when i was younger i stayed in a cottage over winter break and my sister danced in our room and our room was extremely small so i say....its more than enough."

 My Markibaby (Markiplier X Reader) Imagines And Lemon (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now