You are amazing...(final imagine.)

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A/n:when you sing.
Not bold=just you
Your pov:
I was in a dark place all alone.nothing could be see it was an empty pit.
'Nobody understands me.'
'Im alone in this.'
'No one can help me.'
I thought to myself. I dropped to the floor and began crying.suddenly a bright light shined down on me. I looked at it then shielding my eyes. I hears foot steps come towards me i try to see who it is, soon a silhouette turns into.....Markiplier?
"Why are you crying?" He asked. Crouching down beside me.

"Markiplier what are you doing here?"

"Im here because i care.why are you crying my dear."

"Because im a waste of space nobody cares for me i dont deserve to live."

"You are no waste of space!!!you deserve to live  you can do amazing things if you can believe.if only you knew how important you were to the world you wouldn't say those lies."
"What do you mean what can i do to the world other than cause destruction?"

"You dont know it but you can make a big difference i cant tell you what the future holds but i can tell you you have big things ahead of you.but in order for you to get there you have to believe in yourself remember?"

"Yes i remember all if your quotes i know them all by heart but Mark i jut cant!!" I cried and he hugged me rocking me and rubbing my hair,

"I cant do this."

"I know right now your situation is hard but you can power through it. I know you can. Cause youre my hero..... Short steps, deep breath
Everything is alright
Chin up" he picked me up.

"I can't
Step into the spotlight" i sung along

"She said, "I'm sad,"
Somehow without any words
I just stood there
Searching for an answer" his finger lifted my chin and he looked me in the eyes

When this world is no more
The moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly away with me
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky
But I don't mind
If you're with me, then everything's alright

Why do my words
Always lose their meaning?
What I feel, what I say
There's such a rift between them
He said,
"I cant really seem to read you."

I just stood there
Never know what I should do

When this world is no more
The moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly away with me
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky
But I don't mind
If you're with me, then everything's alright
If you're with me, then everything's alright

He hugged me.

"(Y/n) i know im not there with you in real life and i really wish i could be. It pains me to know that one of my markiplites are in pain it kills me to think i cant help you but. Just know that just because life is horrible now it doesnt mean in the future it will be bad too you are not alone in this..many people suffer from depression,many people suffer from anxiety,many people are bullied,many people are stressed youre not alone!!"

"Thats right youre not!!" Said a mysterious female voice. I look over to see a girl with black hair and glasses. She walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Who are you?" I asked,

She smiled"im the author of this book but just call me Selena or lexi either one will do."

"What are you doing here?"

"I came here to let you know youre not alone and never will be,...when i was 5 i was nearly raped if it weren't for my brother who came to my rescue i would be dead right now.when i was 12 i entered a depression because i was always picked on so i started cutting myself on my hip all the marks are gone but some still remain i one day i was going to hang myself but suddenly a certain youtube video from a mysterious channel came on and  caught my eye."

"Markiplier." We said at the same time.

"Yea and then i took the belt from around my neck and stared to watch the video i stopped crying and began laughing. After seeing a guidance counselor i stopped cutting and then i got better, it doesnt happen right away but with time my i got better. If i can make it through it so can you."

"How do you know that."

"You lived to see another day.youre breathing just like me!!you were made for a purpose all you have to do is find out what it is. Your struggle isnt for nothing you struggle to become stronger. Remember after a hurricane comes a rainbow." She smiled.

I giggled and smiled.

"I honestly dont know my purpose yet either but whatever it is i know ill make a change for the greater good.but since i dont know my purpose we can discover our mission together." She held out her hand. I took it. We smiled.

"See..youre not alone." Mark said.

All the sudden a whole audience was behind me.

"All these people have stories stories of struggles,sadness,family deaths.but they all lived
Through it and became something great..if they can do can you."

Selena said.

"What i do now is temporary.....but what i leave forever."
~Mark Edward Fischbach.

If  what mark leaves is forever dont let what he leaves behind be a trail of people giving up.if youre being abused. Tell someone. If youre depressed say something.
If youre hurt and you want the pain go away..speak '
'The hurt goes away when your mask comes off.
Remember that......
~Selena aka lexi or beautyqueen2222

A/n: And thats the end of my  Markiplier's imagine and smut book. Thanks for reading and supporting my book.and a special thanks to TheNerdanionMirror for really showing big time support on my book. And i want to thank you for taking time to read y crazy,nasty,weird imagines and smuts because you didne have to but you chose to and you really dont know how that makes me happy just 400+reads is enough for me i dont need 1000 reads or more im not doing this for the reads dont get me wrong im glad you read it like i said before but imdoing this because its a passion i love to write i write stories all day. And when i first started this book i honestly didn't know what i was doing. All i knew is i loved mark and that i loved writing so i combine my interest months later i have 400+ views. And i  cant even say how happy i am i cant im just si happy i could cry, so thanks for reading
My Markibaby Imagines and smut book .i will see you  in comment sections,in messages  and anywhere else.
Lus ya bai!!

 My Markibaby (Markiplier X Reader) Imagines And Lemon (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now