Im scott's daughter.(imagine extended ending.) Prt.6?

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Your pov:
Lately things havent been as bright between mark and i. He hasnt cheated on me and heavens no i havent cheated on him!!
Its just that we're more distant and hes met this new girl namef amy and hes always going on about her. We never talk about us.
We only talk about youtube and Amy.
Thats it, im not jealous or anything im perfectly fine with him hanging out with her. Even if he took her to disney land instead of me. Watched the season seven episode on premiere of our favorite show the walking dead with her instead of me while i waited alone at home by myself with a giant bowl of popcorn by my side which got cold. And even if he stood me up on our 1st anniversary.........
Im just hurt and scared, i dont want him to be unhappy with me.
I already know whats bound to happen i just didnt want to accept the fact that it was true.

We are falling apart.

And i dont want to be in a one sided love or for mark to be unhappy.

So today im doing one of the hardest things ive ever had to do. Im breaking up with mark.
But in a certain way.
While helping my friend kurt hugo Schneider with his new music video Send my love.

I invited mark out to the park where we were filming.

"Hey (y/n)." he said smiling at me then he tried to kiss me ill just kissed his cheek.

"Hey mark." i say giving him a fake smile.

"So whats going on you told me to come asap it was urgent?"

"We're about to shoot! Ready?" kurt asked.

"Yea." i said smiling. "So we're about to shoot um just pay attention very close attention to the song." i say i sit down:

We were done shooting and mark looked at me with confusion.

"I dont get it." mark says.

I feel a tear fall down my cheek."mark we're not how we used to be."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Mark we're falling apart or more so youre slipping away from me cant you see it? We dont talk and when we do we talk strictly youtube and about your new friend amy. In fact i could be loosing you to her."

"No youre not ba-"

"Mark dont try to sugar coat it, you are with her more than you are with me. You rain check me to be with her and even then we never get to those rain checks. You even forgot about our anniversary two weeks ago." i said crying

His eyes widen with realization.

"Mark youre in love with her and unhappy with me i dont want you to be unhappy." i say smiling through the tears. "I want you to live your life and be happy with amy i can see how happy you are with her. Leave me behind and be happy." i said smiling i kissed him one more last time before i let him go.
Then i went back to my house which was right across from his sadly and just cried and screamed i just let all my heartache out.
I ripped apart pictures and broke picture frames but there was one picture i couldnt rip the one mark took when we first met at comicon.


"Hey (y/n) you have such a beautiful voice im glad i got to sing with you and stuff i had fun."
"Me too "i said blush
"So umm do you live in LA?"

"no actually i live in idaho with my dad but im actually moving out there real soon."

"Oh cool well i live there um h-how about i give you my number so i can help you when you get there unpacking and getting to know the place y'know all that stuff." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

 My Markibaby (Markiplier X Reader) Imagines And Lemon (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now