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It was wills birthday and you wanted to do something special

Right now he was at the studio gonna be home

You took a shower and put on your laced underwear and your silk robe you got his gifts earlier
You started dinner and waited for your boyfriend to get home

Moments later you heard the front door open then close

"Baby I'm home"
Will said as he followed the rose petals leading to the kitchen

There you stood looking sexy as ever and what turned you on was will licking his lips he walks up to you and kisses you, you whisper happy birthday baby and guide him to the table you give him dinner and he eats after he got done you give him his presents he opens them and thank you you tell him its time for dessert as you walk in front of him you drop your robe and reveal

will licks his lips and grabs you'r titties and licks em earning moans from you as he finishes he undresses him self and rips you panty off he lays you on the table and kisses your inside thigh then your pussy you push his head deeper and he spell...

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will licks his lips and grabs you'r titties and licks em earning moans from you as he finishes he undresses him self and rips you panty off he lays you on the table and kisses your inside thigh then your pussy you push his head deeper and he spells
Wills property on your fresh wet clit you squirt and moan loud soon you feel something long big and hard in you stomach will goes slow with every stroke so you can feel after some more strokes you both cum he flips y'all over and you ride him till y'all both cum after catching y'all breathe he cuddles you and say best birthday ever baby I love you and you say I love you too
And y'all both dose off
How y'all like it
If you want an imagine feel free to ask

ThaDiamondz Imagines《Completed》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora