Easter love/Vier

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Imagine(pretend its easter lol)

Your POV

I woke up horny asf I felt my side and vier was gone I heard the bathroom door open and vier came out with just a towel on fuck I just got wet

Vier: baby you ok(smirks)

You: uhhh yeah

Vier: well go get ready were going over to my moms for Easter

You: ok

You get up and take and shower and get dressed you had in a sundress with flats and hair in a French braid vier had on

You get up and take and shower and get dressed you had in a sundress with flats and hair in a French braid vier had on

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looking sexy asf you really wanted to Rip his clothes off and fuck his ass but yall were already late


"Heyy momma"
You said as you hugged viers mom you two were really close she was like the mom you never had

Vier mom: heyyy daughter you look pretty as usual

You: thanks momma you look sexy as hell to

Vier mom: well thank you baby come on let's help with the egg hunt

You: ok

As you followed her you seen vier talking to his baby cousin she was so cute( it was on his sc story)

Vier POV
I've noticed that yn been jumpy and shit I know she's horny she does that when she is so imma just play a little game with her (smirks) she was bent over helping yanna my Lil cousin with her hunt I grabbed her waist and put my dick on her butt she jumped

Me: excuse me baby (smirks)

Yn: s..sorry ba....baby
You stuttered

She bent down to were she was on her knees I bent down and put my head in her neck kissing it I slipped my hands in her panties and rubbed her pussy from behind she was soaking I can tell she was trying to hold in moans I slipped in 2 fingers and went fast she moaned under her breathe and came I got up and walked off

Your POV

I can't believe his block head ass just did that I got up and finished with yanna after that I walked past vier and went into the bathroom I used it and somebody walked in I turned around and seen vier smirking he pushed me up on the wall and kissed me he layed me on the floor pulling my panties of he entered me hard making me scream but he covered my mouth my eyes rolled back I squirted and he pulled out he went down and kissed my thighs
I walked out the bathroom limping I seen mama (vier mama)

Yn: hey mama

Mama: hey baby what's wrong

Yn: *lies* these sandles

Mama: *whispers* child I know that walk from any were my son putting in work

I looked at her and busted out laughing

( y'all just nasty smh
Mama a fool lml)

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