Drunk in loveeee/ dontemacc

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Dedicated to MyEverythingKeke

Danni POV

I said it 2 am(Adrian voice)
And donte was still out with his friends I was up reading my wattpad books by my favorite author AaliyahSavagee (lol) and I here the doorbell ring I run down stairs


I open the door to see lucas holding a drunk donte this Nigga really i took him and lucas left

Donte:damn baby
He started rubbing on me and he went in between my thighs and rubbed my kitty I moaned and told him stop but him being hard headed he slid a finger in and started pumping then he kissed me I smelled a strong sent of alcohol on his breathe he pumped faster and faster and I came he licked his fingers and pushed me down on the couch he gave me hickies on my neck titties and stomach I moaned as he got to my v line he ripped my panty off and kissed my inner thigh then licked and flicked his tongue I moaned and pushed his head damn further he stuck his tongue in and out hitting my spot I let all my juices flow down my leg and he slurped it all up
He undressed his self and and pulled out his dick he picked me up and threw me over the table and rammed into me I screamed and told him to slow down which he didn't he did slow and deep strokes like 20 more strokes I squirted and he came he flipped us over and had one leg on his shoulder and another around his waist he went deep and slow so I could feel all him every stroke he went faster causing me to go crazy and crazy after on hard deep stroke I squirted

Donte: damn danni(like damn daniel lol)

I flipped us over and began to ride he held onto my hips and moved them in a motion as he groaned moments later we both came I collapsed next to him we cuddled and fell asleep

(Hope you like it girl you we're my first imagine)

ThaDiamondz Imagines《Completed》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora