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Your pov

I was getting dressed up for a girls night out as I was applying make up my boyfriend dillyn walked in

Dillyn: were you going

Me: out

Dillyn: tuh

I looked at him

My: ion know why you mad I told you this earlier and now you wanna act a ass

Dillyn: ain't nobody acting a ass
I just said tuh damn

Yn: so why you say tuh?

Dillyn: cause ion want you going out

I rolled my eyes

Yn: you acting real selfish ..... I don't say that shit when you go out all night with Lucas and will

I huffed

Dillyn: why you got on that little ass dress?


Yn: it's not even little damn

Dillyn: I see ya titties and arms it is little

Yn: dillyn go to sleep hell ..... leave me alone

With that i went back to fixing my make up

I looked out the corner of my eye and seen dillyn looking at me

Yn: what I'm ugly or sum???

Dillyn: nah you look sexy Asf

He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me burring his head into my neck

Dillyn: I love you yn

I smiled

Yn: I love you too baby
Now when I get back I promise you can fuck this dress off of me

He smiled like a damn kid

Dillyn: BET!!!😉

ThaDiamondz Imagines《Completed》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora