Liquor/Dillyn Troy

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"There's something in this liquor the air is getting thicker"


"Damn this party lit" I said to myself walking up to the bar I scrunched my face up at the smell of liquor ass and sweat

"What would you like" the bartender asked I smiled "Gin and juice please" she nodded making my drink I looked behind me to see this one sexy ass Nigga looking at me biting his lip
"Here you go" She said handing me my cup "Thank you" I said smiling sipping my drink Ten drinks later someone tapped me

"Say Lil mama" I turned around to met face to face with the mysterious walking Hershey bar "The names yn...not Lil mama"
"My bad yn I'm dillyn and I just wanted to know if you would like to dance"

I thought about it "Try some slick shit you gone meet yo god" I smiled walking to the dance floor with him following me he grabbed my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist as Drake One dance played "Why you quite ma?" I giggled "Well I don't know you and my breathe smells like liquor" he laughed and grabbed my face "I won't  judge" I smiled as he leaned in and so did I our lips touched it felt so fucking good like them white romantic movies .......  He Getting The Panties Tonight❗😜

[A Lil sum sum😊
Doing imagine request
Just pm a youngin🌚❗]

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