Lovers & Friends/Lucas coly

982 47 11

Dedicated to Alsinanation340


I knocked on the fresh painted white door patiently waiting with my hands in my pocket

Today I'm at my Bestfriend Liza's house I had nothing else to do she didn't neither so we just decided to go to her house

"Ugh this bitch need to hurry"

I mumbled to myself the door flew open there liza skinny ass standed

Liza: I heard that

Me: it was meant to be heard I laughed pushing  past her walking in her brother lucas eyes looked up at me and smiled

Lucas: hey baby girl

Me: H-Hey lucas

He chuckled paying his attention back to the game

Liza: Girl bring ya ass trying to take my brothers V-card
She yelled I hate her ass
I ran upstairs and into her room I hit her in the arm

Me: you know damn well he not a virgin

Liza: Mhmmmmm y'all cute or what ever

I rolled my eyes throwing my bag on the chair taking off my shoes and socks

Liza: yo feet smell like grits

Me: Fuck you fam

We laughed as I sat down at the end of the bed

Liza: why you won't cuff my brother?

Me: girl I'm 15 and he 17

Liza: I know I'm not good at math but whats the problem?

Me: leave me the hell alone


Well liza fell asleep on me I grabbed the sour patches eating some I suddenly had this bad urge to piss I sat down the candy getting up

Liza: don't be sneaking dick

I slapped her leg and walked out to the bathroom I was too busy on my phone bumping into something

"Damn it man" I yelled as I feel to the floor

"My bad"

I recognized the voice they helped me up

Me: Willie!!!

I jumped on him making him chuckle

Will: Where you going

He smirked

Me: to piss

I answered bluntly
He chuckled and we went our separate ways

I walked out the bathroom waving the water that was on my hands off I turned the corner as soon as I did that I bumped into somebody AGAIN that somebody is lucas

Lucas: my bad ma
He said smirking

Me: y-you ok

I always get nervous around him it was an awkward silence I just walked off until he pulled my arm back

Me: W-what are you doing

He smashed his lips into mine this felt so gooood

He pulled away

Lucas: we both know you like me and I like you be mines baby gurl?

I was so speechless I didn't know what to say I just nodded my head yes h picked me up by my waist kissing me oh so passionate

Lucas: I love you

Me: I- I love you too

Ahhh took me forever but its done boo hope you like❤❤❤

If you want an imagine pm me

ThaDiamondz Imagines《Completed》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora