Trust/Lucas coly and Chris brown

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Dedicated to BLXS1XN


||Arielle (Ari)||

I stood there applying my make up finishing up I sat the brush down and fixed my dress I'm going with my best friend Elizabeth aka Liza to this Cris brown concert my boyfriend lucas already approved

Lucas: damn you look good ma

I turned around and smiled walking towards him I wrapped my arm around his neck

Me: thank you daddy

Lucas: ion know ma you got on the "I'm single again so fuck em" dress

I laughed and heard lizas horn beeping

Me: baby I gotta go love you

I kissed him and he smacked my ass making it jiggle

I ran downstairs and got in the car Liza ass was slaying as usual

Me: bihhhhhh fuck em upppppp

Liza: bihhhhhhhhh you fuck em up

We laughed and turned on the radio and drove off


||Ari POV||

Me and liza walked in the VIP section seeing the whole damn city girls were screaming and shit  me and liza looked at each other confused like wtf then there his sexy ass walk in I damn near fainted

As soon as he walked out we made eye contact for a long time then he winked

Liza: bitch I seen that

I blushed

Liza: and here he comes

I damn near had a heart attack

Chris: wassup ma

He said kissing my hand

We talked until the concert started I didn't even realize liza was gone I looked around and seen her talking and laughing with august alsina

It was time for the concert



"Just let me rockkkkkkk ohhhhh fuck you back to sleep girl ohhhh don't say a word no girl don't you tallkkkkkkkk"

Chris sung wile looking at me

He walked towards me and pulled me on stage

August pulled Liza

He grabbed me and we was grinding to the music

But I realized something LUCAS

I  didn't wanna just run off the stage so I waited till the song was over

The song ended and so did the concert

I told liza I'll be in the car I was almost to the car when somebody pulled me back

It was chris

Chris: damn ma why you leaving so soon

I didn't say nothing he  grabbed me and lead me backstage  he chuckled and bagged up on me and  leaned in I was too bit I remembered the men I truly loved

Me: chris no.....I mean your a nice cool guy but I have a boyfriend at home that I love and he trusted me enough to come here

He nodded

Chris: I understand ma I respek that ......can we be friends?

I nodded and we exchanged numbers we talked a lot while he walked me to the car we said our good byes

Moments later Liza came out with august

She said bye to him and he left

Liza: guess who go a date

Me: work it bihhhhh

We did a ghetto ass laugh and drove off

I'm glad me and lucas trust each other

(Heyyyyy book hope you like)

(Excuse mistakes)

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